1st Edition

Healthcare and Spirituality

By Stephen P Kliewer, John Saultz Copyright 2006
    228 Pages
    by CRC Press

    Here is a selection of multiple choice questions and care studies designed for candidates for the Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (DRCOG). The 90 multiple choice questions cove all major areas of the syllabus and are accompanied by extended answers to help the revision process. The case studies are ideal preparation for the other sections of the examination as well as for general revision. This book will be suitable not only for the DRCOG (and other examinations such as the MRCOG) but also for anyone wanting to update and test their understanding of obstetrics and gynaecology.

    Healing, cure and the whole person. Toward a model of integration. Exploring spirituality. The impact of spirituality. The culture of one. The objectives of integrating spirituality and medicine. First steps, gathering information. Spiritual assessment. Spiritual interventions.


    Stephen P Kliewer, John Saultz