1st Edition

History of the Trade Between the United Kingdom and the United States With Special Reference to the Effects of Tarriffs

By Sydney J. Chapman Copyright 2006

    First published in 1899, this book looks at the history of Anglo-American trade with a special focus on the effect of tariffs and forms part of the essay that won the Cobden Prize at Cambridge in 1898.

    1. Quantitative analysis of Anglo-American trade

    2. The history of Anglo-American trade from 1776-1846

    3. 1846-1847

    4. 1857-1870

    5. The excess of exports from the United States over their imports in Anglo-American Trade

    6. 1870-1878

    7. 1878-1885

    8. 1885-1897

    9. The general movements in Anglo-American trade compared with those in the total foreign trades of the United Kingdom and the United States


    Sydney J.Chapman, Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge Lecturer in Political Science in the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire.