1st Edition

Imperial Meridian The British Empire and the World 1780-1830

By C. A. Bayly Copyright 1989

    In this impressive and ambitious survey Dr Bayly studies the rise, apogee and decline of what has come to be called `the Second British Empire' -- the great expansion of British dominion overseas (particularly in Asia and the Middle East) during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic era that, coming between the loss of America and the subsequent partition of Africa, constitutes the central phase of British imperial history.

    Introduction.  1. Political and Social Change in the Muslim Empires, 1600-1800.  2. Crisis and Reorganisation in Muslim Asia.  3. War, Empire and the Colonies of Settlement to 1790.  4. Britain’s New Imperial Age.  5. Imperial Britain: Personnel and Ideas.  6. The World Crisis, 1780-1820.  7. Proconsular Despotisms: the British empire, c. 1800-40.  8. Colonial Society in the Early Nineteenth Century.  Conclusion.  Select Bibliography.  Maps.  Index.


    C. A. Bayly