1st Edition

Islamic Political Thought and Governance

Edited By Abdullah Saeed
    1680 Pages
    by Routledge

    Islam has had a significant impact on world history, not only as a major religion that has directed the personal beliefs and actions of individuals, but also as the basis of a distinct system of government that has developed its own institutions, practices and philosophies.

    This new Routledge Major Work collection is concerned with the development of political thought in Islam. By political thought is meant, broadly, the study and interpretation of Islamic political culture, ideas, beliefs, and institutions; the contribution of key political theorists and authorities to the understanding or practice of governance; what people and groups believed about political authority and institutions and their political convictions; and how politics in the Islamic world has related to and interacted with other disciplines, such as religion, law, ethics, and philosophy.

    Although contemporary issues in Islamic political thought are very much in the public focus at the moment, this set also focuses on the history and development of Islamic political theories and thought, from their inception until the twentieth century. Political thought in the Muslim world is connected to its history and by understanding the past, those who study contemporary political thought will have a better grounding to understand current and future developments.

    Moreover, understanding how Islamic political thought developed also helps shed light on the political thought of other civilizations, such as Western political thought. Political thought in Islam did not develop in isolation—it responded to and interacted with the political institutions and theories of other civilizations throughout history.

    Volume I: Roots of Islamic Political Thought, Key trends, Basic Doctrines, and Development

    Pre-Islamic Tribal Tradition

    1. Eric R. Wolf, ‘The Social Organization of Mecca and the Origins of Islam’, South Western Journal of Anthropology, 1951, 7, 4, 329–56.

    2. John W. Jandora, ‘The Rise of Mecca: Geopolitical Factors’, Muslim World, 1995, 85, 3, 333–44.

    Muhammad and the Birth of a New Political Society

    3. Anver Emon, ‘Reflections on the "Constitution of Medina": An Essay on Methodology and Ideology in Islamic Legal History’, UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law, 2001, 1, 1, 103–33.

    4. Frederick Denny, ‘Ummah in the Constitution of Medina’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 1977, 36, 1, 39–47.

    The Caliphal Status of the Rightly Guided Caliphs

    5. A. Hakim, ‘Umar bal-Khattab and the Title Khalifat Allah: A Textual Analysis’, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 2005, 30, 207–30.

    Early Schisms and the Formation of the Sects

    6. Martin Hinds, ‘The Siffin Arbitration Agreement’, Journal of Semitic Studies, 1972, 17, 1, 93–129.

    The Khariji and Mu’tazili Opposition and their Idea of the Caliphate

    7. Jeffrey T. Kenney, ‘The Emergence of the Khawarij: Religion and the Social Order in Early Islam’, Jusur, 1989, 5, 1–29.

    8. Hasan Q. Murad, ‘Jabr and Qadar in Early Islam: A Reappraisal of their Political and Religious Implications’, in Wael B. Hallaq and Donald P. Little (eds.), Islamic Studies Presented to Charles J. Adams (Brill, 1991), pp. 17–32.

    The Shi’a Opposition

    9. Marshall G. S. Hodgson, ‘How Did the Early Shia Become Sectarian?’, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1955, 75, 1, 1–13.

    Sunni Doctrines and the State

    10. E. A. Hamid, ‘Al-Mawardi’s Theory of State: Some Ignored Dimensions’, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 2001, 18, 4, 1–18.

    11. Donald P. Little, ‘A New Look at al-Ahkam al-Sultaniyya’, The Muslim World, 1974, 64, 1, 1–18.

    12. Ira M. Lapidus, ‘Separation of State and Religion in Early Islamic Society’, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 1975, 6, 4, 363–85.

    Some Key Sunni Theologian Scholars

    13. Leonard Binder, ‘Al-Ghazali’s Theory of Islamic Government’, The Muslim World, 1955, 45, 229–41.

    14. Wael B. Hallaq, ‘Caliphs, Jurists and the Saljuqs in the Political Thought of Juwayni’, The Muslim World, 1984, 74, 26–41.

    Shi’i Notions of the Caliphate/Imamate

    15. V. S. M. Angeles, ‘The Development of the Shia Concept of the Imamate’, Asian Studies, 1983, 21, 145–60.

    16. Etan Kohlberg, ‘From Imamiyya to Ithna-Ashariyya’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 1976, 39, 3, 521–34.

    The Umayyad Caliphate

    17. Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen Gibb, ‘The Evolution of Government in Early Islam’, Studia Islamica, 1955, 4, 5–17.

    The Umayyads in the West

    18. Janina Safran, ‘The Command of the Faithful in al-Andalus: A Study in the Articulation of Caliphal Legitimacy’, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 1998, 30, 2, 183–98.

    The Idea of Caliphate Under the Abbasids

    19. Fred M. Donner, ‘The Formation of the Islamic State’, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1986, 106, 2, 283–96.

    20. M. Q. Zaman, ‘The Caliphs, the Ulama, and the Law: Defining the Role and Function of the Caliph in the Early Abbasid Period’, Islamic Law and Society, 1997, 4, 1, 1–36.

    Volume II: Later Theories and Styles of leadership in the Sunni and Shiite World

    Theories and Styles of Leadership Among the Sunnis

    The Religio-Political Legacy of the Seljuks; Nizam’s Political Theory

    21. Ann K. S. Lambton, ‘The Dilemma of Government in Islamic Persia: The Siyasat-nama of Nizam al-Mulk’, Iran, 1984, 22, 55–66.

    Mamluk Ideology: The Sultan-Caliph Status

    22. P. M. Holt, ‘The Position and Power of the Mamluk Sultan’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 1975, 38, 2, 237–49.

    23. M. Hashim Kamali, ‘Siyasah Shariyah or the Policies of Islamic Government’, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 1989, 6, 59–80.

    The Ottoman State

    24. Halil Inalcik, ‘Suleiman the Lawgiver and Ottoman Law’, Archivum Ottomanicum, 1969, 1, 105–36.

    The Mughals of India

    25. Sanjay Subrahmanyam, ‘The Mughal State: Structure or Process? Reflections on Recent Western Historiography’, Indian Economic and Social History Review, 1992, 29, 3, 291–321.

    Later Theories and Styles of Leadership Among the Shiites

    Later Imamis, Zaydis and Fatimids Political Theories of Leadership (The Samanids, the Ghaznavids, the Buyids)

    26. Panayiotis Jerasimof Vatikiotis, The Fatimid Theory of State (Orientalia Publishers, 1957), ch. 4.

    27. J. C. Wilkinson, ‘The Ibadi "Imama"’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 1976, 39, 4, 535–51.

    The Zaydis

    28. Binyamin Abrahamov, ‘Al-Kasim ibn Ibrahim’s Theory of the Imamate’, Arabica, 1987, 34, 80–105.

    War and Foreign Relations

    29. D. Cook, ‘Muslim Apocalyptic and Jihad’, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 1996, 20, 66–104.

    30. E. Kohlberg, ‘The Development of the Imami Shi’i Doctrine of Jihad’, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 1976, 126, 64–86.

    31. Ridwan Al-Sayyid, ‘Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam: Traditions and Interpretations’, in Thomas Scheffler (ed.), Religion Between Violence and Reconciliation (Orient-Institut der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 2002), pp. 123–33.

    Non-Muslim Minorities

    32. Wadi Zatoan Haddad, ‘Ahl Al-dhimma in an Islamic State: The Teaching of Abu al-Hasan al-Mawardi’s Al-Ahkam al-Sultaniyya’, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 1996, 7, 2, 169–80.

    33. Amnon Cohen, ‘The Ottoman Approach to Christians and Christianity in Sixteenth-Century Jerusalem’, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 1996, 7, 2, 205–12.

    34. Najwa Al-Qattan, ‘Dhimmis in the Muslim Court: Legal Autonomy and Religious Discrimination’, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 1999, 31, 3, 429–44.

    Volume III: Muslim Society

    The Notion of Umma

    35. S. A. A. Rizvi, ‘Kingship in Islam: Islamic Universalism Through the Caliphate’, in Ian Mabbett (ed.), Patterns of Kingship and Authority in Traditional Asia (Croom Helm, 1985), pp. 108–30.

    The Military and Military Politics

    36. F. M. Donner, ‘The Growth of Military Institutions in the Early Caliphate and their Relation to Civilian Authority’, Al-Qantara: Revista de Estudios Arabes, 1993, 14, 2, 311–26.

    37. J. C. Hurewitz, ‘Military Politics in the Muslim Dynastic States, 1400–1750’, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1968, 88, 1, 96–104.


    38. Zoltan Szombathy, ‘Genealogy in Medieval Muslim societies’, Studia Islamica, 2002, 95, 5–35.


    39. Thomas Ricks, ‘Slaves and Slave Trading in Shi’i Iran, AD 1500–1900’, Journal of Asian and African Studies, 2001, 36, 4, 407–18.

    40. Ehud R. Toledano, ‘Late Ottoman Concepts of Slavery (1830s–1880s)’, Poetics Today, 1993, 14, 3, 477–506.

    Sufism and Sufi Orders

    41. Ann K. S. Lambton, ‘Sufis and the State in Medieval Persia’, in C. van Dijk and A. H. de Groot (eds.), State and Islam (Research School CNWS, 1995), pp. 19–36.

    42. Paul E. Lovejoy and J. S. Hogendorn, ‘Revolutionary Mahdism and Resistance to Colonial Rule in the Sokoto Caliphate, 1905–6’, Journal of African History, 1990, 31, 2, 217–44.

    Elements of Civil Society

    The Waqf

    43. Maya Shatzmiller, ‘Islamic Institutions and Property Rights: The Case of the "Public Good" Waqf’, Journal of the Economic & Social History of the Orient, 2001, 44, 1, 44–74.

    The Mosque

    44. Asghar Fathi, ‘The Social and Political Functions of the Mosque in the Muslim Community’, Islamic Culture, 1984, 58, 3, 189–99.

    45. Ahmad Ashraf, ‘Bazaar-Mosque Alliance: The Social Basis of Revolts and Revolutions’, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 1988, 1, 4, 538–67.

    Law and Administration of Justice

    Justice and Egalitarianism

    46. Erik Ohlander, ‘Enacting Justice, Ensuring Salvation: The Trope of the "Just Ruler" in Some Medieval Islamic Mirrors for Princes’, The Muslim World, 2009, 99, 2, 237–52.

    The Sunni Ulema

    47. Michael M. Pixley, ‘The Development and Role of the Seyhulislam in Early Ottoman History’, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1976, 96, 1, 89–96.

    48. Joseph A. Kechichian, ‘The Role of the Ulama in the Politics of an Islamic State: The Case of Saudi Arabia’, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 1986, 18, 1, 53–71.

    The Shi’i Ulema

    49. Ahmad Kazemi Moussavi, ‘The Institutionalization of Marja’-i Taqlid in the Nineteenth-Century Shi’ite Community’, The Muslim World, 1994, 84, 3–4, 279–99.

    The Qadis

    50. Irit Bligh-Abramski, ‘The Judiciary (Qadòis) as a Governmental-Administrative Tool in Early Islam’, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 1992, 35, 1, 40–71.

    Ifta’ and Muftis

    51. A. Kevin Reinhart, ‘Transcendence and Social Practice: Muftis and Qadòis as Religious Interpreters’, Annales Islamologiques, 1993, 27, 5–28.

    Mazalim/Secular Criminal Courts

    52. Jorgen S. Nielsen, ‘Mazalim and dar al-Adl Under the Early Mamluks’, The Muslim World, 1976, 66, 2, 114–32.


    53. Abbas Hamdani, ‘The Muhtasib as Guardian of Public Morality in the Medieval Islamic City’, Digest of Middle East Studies, 2008, 17, 1, 92–104.

    Volume IV: The Modern Era

    The Fragmentation of the Ottoman Empire

    54. Douglas A. Howard, ‘Ottoman Historiography and the Literature of "Decline" of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries’, Journal of Asian History, 1988, 22, 52–77.


    55. Bertrand Badie, ‘The Impact of the French Revolution on Muslim Societies: Evidence and Ambiguities’, International Social Science Journal, 1989, 41, 1, 5–16.

    56. Andrew Davison, ‘Secularization and Modernization in Turkey: The Ideas of Ziya Gokalp’, Economy and Society, 1995, 24, 2, 89–122.

    57. Abd al-Hakeem Carney, ‘The Desacralisation of Power in Islam’, Religion, State & Society, 2003, 31, 2, 203–19.

    Conservatism and Pan-Islamism

    58. Michelangelo Guida, ‘Seyyid Bey and the Abolition of the Caliphate’, Middle Eastern Studies, 2008, 44, 2, 275–89.


    59. D. H. Evans, ‘The "Meanings" of Pan-Islamism: The Growth of International Consciousness Among the Muslims of India and Indonesia in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century’, Itinerario, 1987, 11, 1, 15–34.

    Democratization of Authority

    60. A. N. Busool, ‘Rashid Rida’s Struggle to Establish a Modern Islamic State’, American Journal of Islamic Studies, 1984, 1, 1, 83–99.

    61. J. Teitelbaum, ‘"Taking Back" the Caliphate: Sharif Husayn ibn ‘Ali, Mustafa Kemal and the Ottoman Caliphate’, Die Welt Des Islams, 2000, 40, 3, 412–24.

    Islam and Socialism/Marxism

    62. Abdollah Vakily, ‘In Search of "Revolutionary Islam": The Case of Taleqani and the Mojahedin’, The Muslim World, 1998, 88, 22–46.

    63. Tamara Sonn, ‘Bandali al-Jawzi’s Min Tarikh al-Harakat al-Fikriyyat fi’l-Islam: The First Marxist Interpretation of Islam’, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 1985, 17, 1, 89–107.

    Islam and Nationalism

    64. Sylvia G. Haim, ‘Islam and the Theory of Arab Nationalism’, Die Welt des Islams, 1955, 4, 2/3, 124–49.

    65. Feroz Ahmad, ‘The Young Turk Revolution’, Journal of Contemporary History, 1968, 3, 3, 19–36.

    Fundamentalism and Radicalism

    66. A. Musallam, ‘Sayyid Qutb’s View of Islam, Society and Militancy’, Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 1998, 22, 1, 64–87.

    67. Raja Bahlul, ‘People vs. God: The Logic of "Divine Sovereignty" in Islamic Democratic Discourse’, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 2000, 11, 3, 287–97.

    68. Mehdi Mozaffari, ‘What is Islamism? History and Definition of a Concept’, Totalitarian Movements & Political Religions, 2007, 8, 1, 17–33.

    69. S. Parvez Manzoor, ‘The Future of Muslim Politics: Critique of the "Fundamentalist" Theory of the Islamic State’, Futures, 1991, 23, 3, 289–301.

    The Shiite World: The Iranian Revolution and Walayat al-Faqih

    70. Shahrough Akhavi, ‘Islam, Politics and Society in the Thought of Ayatullah Khomeini, Ayatullah Taliqani and Ali Shariati’, Middle Eastern Studies, 1988, 24, 4, 404–31.

    Challenges and Prospects

    71. Wael B. Hallaq, ‘Juristic Authority vs. State Power: The Legal Crises of Modern Islam’, Journal of Law & Religion, 2003, 19, 2, 243–58.

    72. Bassam Tibi, ‘Islamic Law/Shari’a, Human Rights, Universal Morality and International Relations’, Human Rights Quarterly, 1994, 16, 2, 277–99.

    73. Gunes Murat Tezcur, ‘Constitutionalism, Judiciary, and Democracy in Islamic Societies’, Polity, 2007, 39, 4, 479–501.


    74. Michaelle Browers, ‘The Centrality and Marginalization of Women in the Political Discourse of Arab Nationalists and Islamists’, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, 2006, 2, 2, 8–34.

    75. Ziba Mir-Hosseini, ‘Muslim Women’s Quest for Equality: Between Islamic Law and Feminism’, Critical Inquiry, 2006, 32, 4, 629–45.


    76. Bassam Tibi, ‘The Totalitarianism of Jihadist Islamism and its Challenge to Europe and to Islam’, Totalitarian Movements & Political Religions, 2007, 8, 1, 35–54.