1st Edition

James Smith The Making of a Colonial Culture

By Lurline Stuart Copyright 1989

    James Smith (1989) is study of this hitherto-neglected maker of colonial culture, and traces the rise and decline of the transplanted ideas and values that Smith and many of his fellow immigrants to Australia upheld. It reveals the remarkable vigour with which Smith set about making a new society out of the legacy of the old, and which saw the transformation of Melbourne from gold-rush town to Australia’s largest and most influential city in the new Federation.

    1. Melbourne in 1855  2. England: 1820–1854  3. The Immigrant  4. Institutions  5. Public Heroes  6. Periodicals  7. The Drama, the Opera and the Fine Arts  8. Literary Controversies  9. Spiritualism  10. The Return Visit  11. A New Generation  12. Declining Years


    Lurline Stuart