232 Pages
    by Routledge

    232 Pages
    by Routledge

    Labour focuses on the issues and problems concerning the efficient full employment of labour in a free market economy. The discussion is largely about the conditions (including comparative wages) underlying industrial efficiency and maximum production from various labour resources at least cost.

    By estimating man-power, analysing the human factor and measuring labour efficiency, the book summarizes recent evidence on employment conditions for or against efficiency and the effect upon the incidence of unemployment.

    PART ONE - LABOUR RESOURCES and UTILIZATION1. MAN-POWER(1) Man-power and its Composition(2) Recent Changes in Man-Power and its Allocation(3) Qualitative Differences2. THE HUMAN FACTOR AND THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM(1) The Human Factor(2) Human Nature and Economic Forces(3) The Human Factor in Employment(4) Conditions of Human Efficiency and Mobility(5) Summary and Argument3. MEASURES OF LABOUR EFFICIENCY(1) Inefficiency and its Costs(2) Quantity, Quality and Economy of Output(3) Industrial Accidents(4) Absence(5) Strikes(6) Labour Turnover(7) UnemploymentPART TWO - LABOUR IN EMPLOYMENT4. HOURS OF EMPLOYMENT(1) Fatigue Duration and Intensity of Work(2) The Effect of Changed Hours(3) The Work Curve(4) The Distribution of Hours of Work; Week-Ends, Pauses and Shifts5. PHYSICAL CONDITIONS AND TYPES OF WORK(1) Effect of Hours on Efficiency for Different Types of Work(2) The Healthiness of Occupations(3) Analysis of Physical Conditions(4) Motion Study6. SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS IN EMPLOYMENT(1) The Social Pattern of Industry(2) Recent Industrial Sociology(3) Supervision, Discipline and Welfare(4) Democratic Participation in Control7. THE AMOUNT OF THE WAGE(1) The Wage and Working Capacity(2) The Amount of Wages as an Incentive to Work(3) Wages as Attractives to Mobility(4) Summary8. METHODS OF WAGE PAYMENT(1) Comparative Efficiency of Time and of Piece Rates(2) Collective Piece Wages and Profit Sharing(3) Comparative Efficiency of Varieties of Individual Piece Rate(4) The Setting of Piece Rates(5) The Composite Wage System9. SELECTION AND TRAINING OF INDIVIDUAL WORKERS(1) Importance of the Worker and his Home Situation(2) Scientific Guidance and Selection(3) Actual Selection Practice and its Consequences(4) Training10. TYPES OF WORKER: AGE AND SEX(1) The Young and Old Worker(2) Women's Employment: Comparative Wage Rates(3) Efficiency and Demand Conditions of Women's Labour(4) Supply Conditions of Women's LabourPART THREE - UNEMPLOYMENT11. THE INCIDENCE OF UNEMPLOYMENT(1) Personal Incidence(2) The Time Incidence of Unemployment(3) The Industrial Incidence(4) The Local Incidence(5) Technological Unemployment(6) The Hard Core of Unemployment12. THE PREVENTION OF UNEMPLOYMENT(1) Underlying Conditions of Unemployment(2) The Role of Investment(3) The Policy of Security and Full Employment(4) Full Employment, Mobility and EfficiencyPART FOUR - THE DIRECTION OF LABOUR POLICY13. THE CONTROL OF LABOUR CONDITIONS(1) The Employer Let Alone(2) Workers' Control(3) State Participation in Negotiation(4) Resort to State Regulation(5) Principles of Joint Control14. SOCIAL PROGRESS AND POLICY(1) Criteria of Progress(2) The Actual Course of Progress(3) The Causes and Future of Progress(4) Progress and Social Policy(5) Policy Enlightened and Informed


    Florence, P. Sargant