10th Edition

Langford's Basic Photography The Guide for Serious Photographers

    568 Pages
    by Routledge

    This seminal photography text, now in its 10th edition and celebrating its 50th anniversary, has been revamped, reorganized, and modernized to include the most up-to-date, need to know information for photographers. Ideal for students, beginners, and advanced users wanting to brush up on the fundamentals of photography, this book is a must have for any photographer’s bookcase. The heart of this text, however, retains the same comprehensive mix of scholarly and practical information.

    The new edition has been fully updated to reflect dynamic changes in the industry. These changes include:

    an expansion and overhaul of the information on digital cameras and digital printing;

    an emphasis on updating photographs to include a wider range of international work;

    replacement of many diagrams with photos;

    overhaul of the analogue sections to give a more modern tone (ie exposure measurement and film and filters with some more dynamic photo illustrations).

    1 what is photography, 2 light - how images are formed, 3 lenses, 4 cameras, 5 exposure - digital and analogue, 6 organising the picture, 7 lighting &filters, 8 digital workflow – from capture to realization, 9 analogue workflow – from capture to realization, 10 digital post-production, 11 darkroom b/w printing and techniques, 12 moving still, 13 Finishing and presenting work


    Michael Langford was a renowned author, teacher, and  practitioner. He inspired thousands because of his skill that balanced art and technique and taught many more as Photography Course Director at the Royal College of Art, London, UK.

    Anna Fox is an internationally renowned photographer and is Professor of Photography at University for the Arts, Farnham, UK.

    Richard Sawdon Smith is Professor of Photography and Dean of Media at Norwich University of the Arts, UK. He is an award-winning photographer, published and exhibiting worldwide for over 25 years.

    "Langford's Basic Photography is the definitive text in its subject area, and this new edition is a significant improvement of an already class-leading text." – Stephen W. Kelly, Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering and Digital Arts, University of Kent, UK

    "The quality of writing is lucid and clear, as are the images and illustrations. It is entertaining as well as informative and easy to navigate: this invites casual dipping in just for fun as well as study, which is a huge advantage and aid in learning and assimilating knowledge." – John Gulliver, Course Leader. BA (Hons) Digital Photography, Ravensbourne, UK

    "This text will serve well as an excellent resource for anyone interested in photography, amateur to professional." – Ralph R. Ristenbatt, III, Instructor/Senior Research Assistant, Pennsylvania State University, Forensic Science program, US

    “A great overview of analog and digital photography methods for student reference and to reinforce classroom instruction.” – Steve Lambert, Artist, Associate Professor of New Media, State University of New York Purchase College, US

    “This book is essential reading for the photographer. Its strength is in the amount of information and the easy to understand language. The chapters are practical and organized in a straightforward manner. It is an indispensable guide and reference that will always serve as a resource.” – JoAnne Seador, Adjunct Professor, Nassau Community College; Instructor, School of Visual Arts, NYC