1st Edition

Learning Professional Python Two Volume Set

    514 Pages 7 Color Illustrations
    by Chapman & Hall

    514 Pages 7 Color Illustrations
    by Chapman & Hall

    Learning Professional Python is a resource for students who want to learn Python even if they don’t have any programming knowledge and for teachers who want a comprehensive introduction to Python to use with their students. This book helps the students achieve their dream job in the IT Industry and teaches the students in an easy, understandable manner while strengthening coding skills.

    Learning Professional Python Objectives:

    • Become familiar with the features of Python programming language
    • Introduce the object-oriented programming concepts
    • Discover how to write Python code by following the object-oriented programming concepts
    • Become comfortable with concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, dynamic dispatch, interfaces, and packages
    • Learn the Python generics and collections
    • Develop exception handling and the multithreaded applications
    • Design graphical user interface (GUI) applications

    Chapter-1: Python Basics

    1.1                   History of Python

    1.2                   Advantages of Python

    1.3                   Characteristics of Python

    1.4                   Applications of Python

    1.5                   Python versions

    1.6                   Python Identifiers 

    1.7                   Reserved Words

    1.8                   print () function

    1.9                   Lines and indentation

    1.10                 Multiline statements

    1.11                 Quotation in Python

    1.12                 Comments in Python

    1.13                 Python variables

    1.14                 Data types

    1.15                 Type Conversion

    1.16                 Literals

                             Chapter-2: Python Operators

    2.1                   Operators

    2.2                   Binary operators

    2.3                   String Operators

    2.4                   Operator Precedence

    2.5                   Expression Evaluation

    2.6                   input () function

    2.7                   Libraries

                             Chapter-3: Decision Making & Conditionals

    3.1                   Conditional statements

    3.2                   If statement

    3.3                   Nested -if -else statement

    3.4                   elif statement

    3.5                   while

    3.6                   for loop

    3.7                   Nested for loops

    3.8                   Nested while

    3.9                   Using else statement with for loop

    3.10                 The pass statement in for loop

    3.11                 The break statement

    3.12                 continue

    3.13                 while loop and the else branch


    4.1                   String Creation

    4.2                   Accessing values to a string

    4.3                   Modify existing string

    4.4                   Escape characters

    4.5                   String special characters

    4.6                   String formatting operator

    4.7                   Triple Quotes

    4.8                   Unicode strings

    4.9                   Built in string Methods

    4.10                 Deleting string

                             Chapter-5: Lists

    5.1                   Introduction

    5.2                   Characteristics of list

    5.3                   Decision making in lists

    5.4                   Accessing values in the list

    5.5                   Updating list

    5.6                   Delete list elements

    5.7                   Sorting

    5.8                   Copying

    5.9                   Operators on Lists

    5.10                 Indexing, slicing

    5.11                 Searching in List

    5.12                 Nested List

    5.13                 List comprehension

    5.14                 Matrix representation

                             Chapter-6: Tuple

    6.1                   Tuple creation

    6.2                   Accessing values in tuples

    6.3                   Updating tuples

    6.4                   Delete tuple elements

    6.5                   Operations on tuples

    6.6                   Unpacking of tuples

    6.7                   Indexing, slicing on tuples

    6.8                   Nested Tuple

                             Chapter-7: Sets

    7.1                   Introduction

    7.2                   Access set Elements

    7.3                   Adding elements to the set

    7.4                   Remove an element from the set

    7.5                   Delete the set

    7.6                   Python set operations

    7.7                   Set member ship operators

    7.8                   Set Predefined methods

    7.9                   Frozen set

    7.10                 Frozen set operations

    7.11                 Frozen set predefined operations

                             Chapter-8: Dictionary

    8.1                   Access the dictionary values

    8.2                   Dictionary functions and methods

    8.3                   Accessing the elements of the dictionary

    8.4                   Copying the dictionary

    8.5                   Nested Dictionary

    8.6                   Changing the dictionary values

    8.7                   Adding the elements to the dictionary

    8.8                   Removing the elements of the dictionary

    8.9                   Dictionary comprehension

    8.10                 Operators in Dictionary

                             Chapter-9: Modules and Packages

    9.1                   Python import statement

    9.2                   Namespace

    9.3                   Package

                             Chapter-10: Functions

    10.1                 Defining a function

    10.2                 Pass by reference

    10.3                 Function Arguments

    10.4                 Anonymous functions

    10.5                 Return statement

    10.6                 Function variable scope

    10.7                 Passing list to function

    10.8                 Returning list from the function

    10.9                 Recursion

                             Chapter-11: Date and Time

    11.1                 Time module

    11.2                 Calendar module

    11.3                 The datetime module

    11.4                 The pytz module

    11.5                 The dateutil module

                             Chapter-12: Regular Expression

    12.1                 The re module

    12.2                 Python match function

    12.3                 The search functions

    12.4                 Python match function vs search function

    12.5                 Regular expression modifiers

    12.6                 The compile function

    12.7                 The findall() function

    12.8                 The split () function

    12.9                 The sub () function

    12.10               The re.escape() function

                             Chapter-13: Classes and Objects

    13.1                 Creating classes

    13.2                 Object creation

    13.3                 Accessing attributes

    13.4                 Class method

    13.5                 Return from class

    13.6                 Constructors

    13.7                 Deleting Objects

    13.8                 Python built-in class functions

    13.9                 Built-in class attributes

    13.10               Inner class

                             Chapter-14: Inheritance

    14.1                 Single Inheritance

    14.2                 Multiple Inheritance

    14.3                 Multilevel Inheritance

    14.4                 Overriding methods

    14.5                 Nested Class Inheritance

                             Chapter-15: Arrays

    15.1                 Byte array

    15.2                 NumPy

    15.3                 Reshaping arrays

    15.4                 Operations on Array

                             Chapter-16: Exception Handling

    16.1                 Exception handling in python

    16.2                 Single try multiple except statements

    16.3                 Single try single except with multiple exceptions statements

    16.4                 try-except-else

    16.5                 The try…finally block

    16.6                 Raising Exceptions

    16.7                 User defined exceptions

    16.8                 Constructors in Exception Handling

    16.9                 Exception and Inheritance

                             Chapter-17: Multi threading

    17.1                 Multiprocessing in python

    17.2                 Multi threading

    17.3                 Creating thread using threading module

    17.4                 Synchronizing the thread

    17.5                 Race Condition

    17.6                 Locks

    17.7                 Semaphore

                             Chapter-18: Method Overloading and Operator Overloading

    18.1                 Introduction

    18.2                 Method overloading

    18.3                 Operator Overloading

    18.4                 Overloading Arithmetic operators

    18.5                 Overloading Comparison Operators

    18.6                 Overloading Assignment operator

    18.7                 Overloading class Operators

    18.8                 Overloading the unary operators

    18.9                 Overloading of operators on Lists

    18.10               Operator overloading on dictionaries

    18.11               Eligible operators for operator overloading

                             Chapter-19: GUI Programming

    19.1                 Tkinter interface

    19.2                 Label

    19.3                 Button

    19.4                 Messagebox

    19.5                 Message

    19.6                 Entry

    19.7                 Checkbutton

    19.8                 Radiobutton

    19.9                 Listbox

    19.10               Scale

    19.11               Spinbox

    19.12               Scrollbar

                             Chapter-20: File Handling

    20.1                 Opening a file

    20.2                 Writing to the files

    20.3                 Reading the files

    20.4                 The close() method

    20.5                 With statement

    20.6                 Appending to the files

    20.7                 File pointer positions

    20.8                 Modifying file pointer position

    20.9                 Renaming the file

    20.10               Binary file

    20.11               Random Access Files

                             Chapter-21: Database connectivity

    21.1                 Python with MYSQL

    21.2                 Python with oracle

    21.3                 Solved Examples

                             Chapter-22: CASE STUDY

    22.1                 Whats app analyser

    22.2                 Breast Cancer prediction

    22.3                 Stock price prediction

    22.4                 Chat Box

    22.5                 Parkinson detection

    22.6                 Face Mask

    22.7                 Covid-19 analysis

    22.8                 Time series forecasting

    22.9                 Fraud detection



    Usharani Bhimavarapu is working as an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation at Vaddeswaram, Andhra Pradesh, India. She has been teaching from last 14 years with emphasis on Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Data Structure. She communicated more than 40 research papers in SCI, SCIE, Scopus indexed Journals. She has authored 12 books in programming languages like CPP, Java, Python, HTML,CSS and so on.

    Dr. Jude D. Hemanth received his B.E degree in ECE from Bharathiar University in 2002, M.E degree in communication systems from Anna University in 2006 and Ph.D. from Karunya University in 2013. His research areas include Computational Intelligence and Image processing. He has authored more than 230 research papers in reputed SCIE indexed International Journals and Scopus indexed International Conferences. His Cumulative Impact Factor is more than 350. He has published 37 edited books with reputed publishers such as Elsevier, Springer and IET.