1st Edition

Marginalized Groups, Inequalities and the Post-War Welfare State Whose Welfare?

Edited By Monika Baár, Paul van Trigt Copyright 2020
    212 Pages
    by Routledge

    Examining the ways in which societies treat their most vulnerable members has long been regarded as revealing of the bedrock beliefs and values that guide the social order. However, academic research about the post-war welfare state is often focused on mainstream arrangements or on one social group. With its focus on different marginalized groups: migrants and people with disabilities, this volume offers novel perspectives on the national and international dimensions of the post-war welfare state in Western Europe and North America.

    List of Contributors

    Introduction (Monika Baár and Paul van Trigt)

    Chapter 1. Rescuing the European welfare state: the Social Affairs Committee of the early European Communities, 1953-1962 (Brian Shaev)

    Chapter 2. From territorialized rights to personalized international social rights? The making of the European Convention on the Social Security of Migrant Workers (1957) (Karim Fertikh)

    Chapter 3. The ILO and the shift towards economic liberalization in the international professional rehabilitation policy of people with disabilities after World War II (Gildas Brégain)

    Chapter 4. Farewell to social Europe? An entangled perspective on European disability policies in the 1980s and 1990s (Paul van Trigt)

    Chapter 5. The history of a phantom welfare state: the United States (Rose Ernst)

    Chapter 6. Managing the transition from war to peace: post-war citizenship-based welfare in Italy and France, 1944-1947 (Giacoma Canepa)

    Chapter 7. Disabled Citizens and the Neoliberal Turn in Britain: Whose Rights and Whose Responsibilities? (Monika Baár)

    Chapter 8. Welfare: defended, questioned, complemented? Belgian welfare arrangements in the 1970s-1980s from the perspective of disability organizations (Anaïs Van Ertvelde)

    Chapter 9. A new inequality in the Danish welfare state: the development of immigration and integration policy in post-war Denmark (Heidi Vad Jønsson)

    Conclusion: Beyond citizenship and ‘responsibilization’ in the exclusionary welfare state: realizing universal human rights through social resilience-building and interactional justice? (Veronika Flegar)



    Monika Baár is Professor by Special Appointment of Central European Studies at Leiden University. She is principal investigator of the ERC-funded research project Rethinking Disability: the Global Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Historical Perspective.

    Paul van Trigt is postdoctoral researcher in the ERC-project Rethinking Disability: the Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Global Perspective at the Institute of History, Leiden University.