1st Edition

Marine Ecology in a Changing World

Edited By Andrés Hugo Arias, María Clara Menendez Copyright 2014
    270 Pages 22 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    With contributions from an impressive group of Argentinean and German oceanographers, this book examines classical ecological issues relating to marine ecosystems in the context of climate change. It paints a picture of marine ecology at the crossroads of global warming. The book examines the fundamentals of marine ecology: ecosystem stability, water quality, and biodiversity in the context of the changes taking place globally. It then reviews the major marine ecosystems in the same context, from the primary producers to the big marine mammals. The chapters cover primary consumers level, benthic communities, seaweeds assemblages and wetlands ecology, fisheries, and seabirds.

    Potential Effects of Climate Changes on the Marine Ecosystem Stability: Assessment of the Water Quality Jorge Eduardo Marcovecchio, Natalia Sol Buzzi, Matías Nicolás Tartara, Carla Vanesa Spetter and Pia Simonetti
    Coastal Marine Biodiversity Challenges and Threats Jerónimo Pan, M. Alejandra Marcoval, Sergio M. Bazzini, Micaela V. Vallina and Silvia G. De Marco
    Climate Change Effects on Marine Phytoplankton Valeria Ana Guinder and Juan Carlos Molinero
    Climate Change and Marine Zooplankton María C. Menéndez, Melisa D. Fernández Severini, Florencia Biancalana, María S. Dutto, María C. López Abbate and Anabela A. Berasategui
    Benthic Community and Climate Change Sandra Marcela Fiori and María Cecilia Carcedo
    The Ecology of Coastal Wetlands Paula Daniela Pratolongo
    Seaweeds Ecology and Climate Change Gauna M.C., Croce M.E. and Fernández C.
    World Fisheries and Climate Trend Ana Laura Delgado and Maria Celeste Lopez Abbate
    Marine Mammals in a Changing World Cappozzo, Humberto Luis, Panebianco María Victoria and Juan Ignacio Túnez


    Arias, Andrés Hugo; Menendez, María Clara