1st Edition

Markets in their Place Context, Culture, Finance

    242 Pages 10 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    242 Pages 10 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Markets are usually discussed in abstract terms, as an economic organizing principle, a generalized alternative to government planning, or even as powerful actors in their own right, able to shape local and national economic destinies. But markets are not abstract. Even as the idea of the market seduces politicians around the world to take advantage of their abstract qualities, they constantly run up against material reality. Markets are always somewhere, in place, and it is in place that the smooth theories of markets falter and fail. More than simply being embedded in particular places, markets necessarily emerge in the various political, social, cultural, and environmental relations that exist in and between places. Markets shape places, but the reverse is also true.

    This collection of essays approaches markets from the ground up, and from a part of the world often still regarded as peripheral to global capitalism: the South Pacific. With a wide variety of case studies, including on indigenous economies, childcare, agriculture, wine, electricity metering, finance, education, and housing, the authors show how complex local, social and cultural politics matter to how markets are made within and between places, and the insights that can be gleaned from studying markets in this part of the world. They explore the way superficially similar markets work out differently in different places, and why, as well as examining how market relations are constructed in places outside and on the edges of the centres of Western capitalism, and what this says back to how markets are understood in those centres.

    The book will be of particular interest to scholars and students working in and between economic geography, cultural economy, political economy, economic sociology, and more.

    1. Putting markets in their place

    Russell Prince, Carolyn Morris, Matthew Henry, Aisling Gallagher, and Stephen FitzHerbert

    2. Making a diverse Māori economy market: Economic experimentation with digital platforms for Māori produce

    Stephen FitzHerbert

    3. Making markets for collective concerns: Childcare in a bicultural context

    Aisling Gallagher

    4. Time work: Assembling regularity in lamb’s market geographies

    Matthew Henry

    5. Pre-conditions for making (desired) markets in the spirit of Ki Uta Ki Tai - Mountains to the Sea: Re-commoning and economic-environment transitionings

    Dan Hikuroa, Richard Le Heron, Erena Le Heron, and the Participatory Processes Research Team

    6. On the non-assemblage of a local producer/resort hotel market in Fiji

    Gabriel C. M. Laeis and Carolyn Morris

    7. ‘I want to sleep at night as well’: Guilt and care in the making of agricultural credit markets

    Alexandra Langford, Alana Brekelmans, and Geoffrey Lawrence

    8. Schools as marketsites: making markets in New Zealand schools

    Nicolas Lewis and Donna Wynd

    9. Mobile markets for meters: the connections between new electricity metering markets in New Zealand and Australia

    Heather Lovell

    10. Fields of dreams: Calculative practices and the New Zealand housing market

    Laurence Murphy

    11. Fictive places in wine markets: Wine making and place making in New Zealand

    John Overton and Warwick E. Murray

    Afterword: The place of markets

    Russell Prince, Matthew Henry, Carolyn Morris, Aisling Gallagher and Stephen FitzHerbert


    Russell Prince is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at Massey University in the School of People, Environment and Planning.

    Matthew Henry is an Associate Professor in Planning at Massey University in the School of People, Environment and Planning.

    Carolyn Morris is a Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology at Massey University in the School of People, Environment and Planning.

    Aisling Gallagher is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at Massey University in the School of People, Environment and Planning.

    Stephen FitzHerbert is a cultural economic geographer with the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA).