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Monumenta Serica Monograph Series

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In order of volume number

72. Protecting the Dharma through Calligraphy in Tang China: A Study of the Ji Wang shengjiao xu 集王聖教序, The Preface to the Buddhist Scriptures Engraved on Stone in Wang Xizhi’s Collated Characters, Pietro De Laurentis, 9781032136936

71. Believing in Ghosts and Spirits: The Concept of Gui in Ancient China, Hu Baozhu, 9780367626341

70. The "Zhenzheng lun" by Xuanyi: A Buddhist Apologetic Scripture of Tang China, Thomas Jülch, 9780367182854

69. Giulio Aleni, Kouduo richao, and Christian–Confucian Dialogism in Late Ming Fujian, Song Gang, 9781138589124

68. Rooted in Hope: China – Religion – Christianity / In der Hoffnung verwurzelt: China – Religion – Christentum, 2-Volume Set 9781138718081; Volume 1 9781138718111; Volume 2 9781138718050

67 Konfuzianisches Ethos und westliche Wissenschaft, Hu Qiuhua, 9871909662704

66 A Good Son Is Sad if He Hears the Name of His Father, Adamek, Piotr, 9781909662698

65 "Das Fremde im eigenen Lande", Kuhlmann, Dirk, 9783805006248

64 On the School of Names in Ancient China, Solomon, Bernard S., 9783805006101

63 /1-2 The Splendours of Paradise. Murals and Epigraphic Documents et the Early Ming, Toyka, Ursula, 9783805006170

62 Die Begegnung Chinas mit dem Christentum, Gernet, Jacques, 9783805006033

61 Miscellanea Asiatica. Mélanges en l’honneur de Françoise Aubin, Aigle, D. [et al. eds], 9783805005685

60 The People and the Dao. New Studies in Chinese Religions in Honour of Daniel Overmyer, Clart, P. - Crowe, P. , 9873805005579

59 An Illustrated Life of Christ Presented to the Chinese Emperor. The History of ..., Standaert, Nicolas, 9873805005487

58 Ritendiskussionen am Hof der nördlichen Song-Dynastie 1034–1093 ..., Meyer, Christian, 9783805005517

57 Zurück zur Freude. Studien zur chinesischen Literatur ... Festschrift für Wolfgang Kubin, Hermann, M. [et al. eds], 9873805005500

56 /1-2 Kouduo richao. Li Jiubiao’s Diary of Oral Admonitions. A Late Ming Christian Journal, Zürcher, Erik [Transl.], 9783805005432

55 Forgive Us Our Sins. Confession in Late Ming and Early Qing China, Standaert, N. - Dudink, A. , 9783805005401

54 Islam in Traditional China. A Bibliographical Guide, Leslie, Donald D. [et al.], 3-8050-0533-4 = 9783805005333

53 /1-2 Francisco Varo’s Glossary of the Mandarin Language… (2 Volumes), South Coblin, Weldon, 3-8050-0526-1 = 9783805005265

52 The Shaping of the Book of Songs. From Ritualization to Secularization, Chen Zhi, 9783805005418

51 Encounters and Dialogues. Changing Perspectives on Chinese-Western Exchanges …, Wu Xiaoxin [Ed.], 3-8050-0525-3 = 9783805005258

50 /4b The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ, Vol. 4b, Malek, Roman [Ed.], 9780367356972

50 /4a The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ, Vol. 4a, Malek, Roman [Ed.], 9781909662681

50 /3b The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ, Vol. 3b, Malek, Roman [Ed.], 9783805005425

50 /3a The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ, Vol. 3a, Malek, Roman [Ed.], 3-8050-0524-5 = 9783805005241

50 /2 The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ, Vol. 2, Malek, Roman [Ed.], 3-8050-0478-8 = 9783805004787

50 /1 The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ, Vol. 1, Malek, Roman [Ed.], 3-8050-0477-X = 9783805004770

49 Leben und historische Bedeutung des ersten Dalai Lama dGe ’dun grub pa dpal bzang ..., Shen Weirong, 3-8050-0469-9 = 9783805004695

48 Das Licht der Edlen (junzi zhi guang). Der Mond in der chinesischen Landschaftsmalerei, Lee-Kalisch, Jeonghee, 3-8050-0457-5 = 9783805004572

47 Die Aufnahme europäischer Inhalte in die chinesische Kultur durch Zhu Zongyuan, Sachsenmaier, Dominic, 3-8050-0455-9 = 9783805004558

46 From Kaifeng … to Shanghai. Jews in China, Malek, Roman [Ed.], 3-8050-0454-0 = 9783805004541

45 The Bible in China: The History of the Union Version or the Culmination of Protestant ..., Zetzsche, Jost-Oliver, 3-8050-0433-8 = 9783805004336

44 Jews and Judaism in Traditional China. A Comprehensive Bibliography, Leslie, Donald D., 3-8050-0418-4 = 9783805004183

43 Bible in Modern China. The Literary and Intellectual Impact, Eber, Irene [et al.], 3-8050-0424-9 = 9783805004244

42 "Scholar from the West." Giulio Aleni S.J. and the Dialogue between China and Christianity, Lippiello, T. - Malek, R., 3-8050-0386-2 = 9783805003865

41 Quellenstudien zur Landvergabe und Bodenübertragung in der westl. Zhou-Dynastie ..., Lau, Ulrich, 3-8050-0429-X = 9783805004299

40 Baihua. Zum Problem der Verschriftung gesprochener Sprache im Chinesischen, Zimmer, Thomas, 3-8050-0428-1 = 9783805004282

39 Auspicious Omens and Miracles in Ancient China. Han, Three Kingdoms and Six Dynasties, Lippiello, Tiziana, 3-8050-0456-7 = 9783805004565

38 Lebens- und Kulturbegriff von Liang Shuming (1893–1988), Wesołowski, Zbigniew, 3-8050-0399-4 = 9783805003995

37 Il natural lume de Cinesi. Teoria e prassi dell' evangelizazione nella Breve relatione ..., Gatta, Secondino, 3-8050-0404-4 = 9783805004046

36 Wang Kangnian (1860–1911) und die „Shiwubao", Heck, Ewald, 3-8050-0432-X = 9783805004329

35 /1-2 Western Learning and Christianity in China. The Contribution and Impact ..., Malek, Roman [Ed.], 3-8050-0409-5 = 9783805004091

34 Der Abbruch des Turmbaus. Studien zum Geist in China ... Festschrift für Rolf Trauzettel, Krüßmann, Ingrid [et al.], 3-8050-0360-9 = 9783805003605

33 The Chinese Rites Controversy: Its History and Meaning, Mungello, D. E. [Ed.] , 3-8050-0348-X = 9783805003483

32 Das „Meihua xishen pu" des Song Boren aus dem 13. Jahrhundert. Ein Handbuch ..., Wiedehage, Peter, 3-8050-0361-7 = 9783805003612

31 Religion im heutigen China. Politik und Praxis, MacInnis, Donald, 3-8050-0330-7 = 9783805003308

30 Ferdinand Verbiest (1623–1688): Jesuit Missionary, Scientist, Engineer and Diplomat, Witek, John. W., 3-8050-0328-5 = 9783805003285

29 T’ien-fei hsien-sheng lu. „Die Aufzeichnungen von der manifestierten Heiligkeit der ...", Wädow, Gerd, 3-8050-0310-2 = 9783805003100

27 Die Dhāranī des Großen Erbarmens des Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara mit tausend Händen ..., Reis-Habito, Maria D., 3-8050-0296-3 = 9783805002967

26 Moral Enlightenment. Leibniz and Wolff on China, Ching, J. - Oxtoby, W. G., 3-8050-0294-7 = 9783805002943

24 The Shifting Center: The Original "Great Plan" and Later Readings, Nylan, Michael, 3-8050-0293-9 = 9783805002936

23 Peking Paper Gods. A Look at Home Worship, Goodrich, Anne S., 3-8050-0284-X = 9783805002844

22 Philippe Couplet, S.J. (1623–1693), Heyndrickx, Jerome , 3-8050-0266-1 = 9783805002660

21 Cheng Pan-ch’iao. Poet, Painter and Calligrapher, Pohl, Karl-Heinz, 3-8050-0261-0 = 9783805002615

19 The Stone Drums of Ch’in, Mattos, Gilbert L., 3-8050-0194-0 = 9783805001946

18 A Sinologist’s Handlist of Sino-Tibetan Lexical Comparisons, South Coblin, Weldon, 3-87787-208-5 = 9783877872086

17 P. Joachim Bouvet S.J. – Sein Leben und sein Werk, Collani, Claudia von, 3-87787-197-6 = 9783877871973

16 Preservation of Learning. With the Introduction to his Life and Thought, Yen Yüan, 9781909662766

15 Western and Central Asians in China under the Mongols, Ch'en Yüan, 3-8050-0243-2 = 9783805002431

9 Quellen zur Rechtsgeschichte der T’ang-Zeit, Bünger, Karl, 3-8050-0375-7 = 9783805003759

51 Series Titles

Per Page

Bibliotheca Sinica Christiana Annotated Catalog of Divine Word Missionaries’ (S.V.D.) Publications in Shandong (1882–1950)

Bibliotheca Sinica Christiana: Annotated Catalog of Divine Word Missionaries’ (S.V.D.) Publications in Shandong (1882–1950)

1st Edition


Edited By Roman Malek, Barbara Hoster, Dirk Kuhlmann, Zbigniew Wesołowski
November 12, 2024

The present work is a comprehensive catalog of publications that were produced and printed by the Divine Word Missionaries (Societas Verbi Divini, S.V.D.) in Shandong province, China. It was compiled by the late Prof. Dr. Roman Malek, S.V.D. (1951–2019), an internationally renowned expert for the ...

Protecting the Dharma through Calligraphy in Tang China A Study of the Ji Wang shengjiao xu 集王聖教序 The Preface to the Buddhist Scriptures Engraved on Stone in Wang Xizhi’s Collated Characters

Protecting the Dharma through Calligraphy in Tang China: A Study of the Ji Wang shengjiao xu 集王聖教序 The Preface to the Buddhist Scriptures Engraved on Stone in Wang Xizhi’s Collated Characters

1st Edition

By Pietro De Laurentis
May 31, 2023

This is a study of the earliest and finest collated inscription in the history of Chinese calligraphy, the Ji Wang shengjiao xu 集王聖教序 (Preface to the Sacred Teaching Scriptures Translated by Xuanzang in Wang Xizhi’s Collated Characters), which was erected on January 1, 673. The stele records the ...

Believing in Ghosts and Spirits The Concept of Gui in Ancient China

Believing in Ghosts and Spirits: The Concept of Gui in Ancient China

1st Edition

By Hu Baozhu
August 01, 2022

The present book by Hu Baozhu explores the subject of ghosts and spirits and attempts to map the religious landscape of ancient China. The main focus of attention is the character gui 鬼, an essential key to the understanding of spiritual beings. The author analyses the character gui in various ...

Francisco Varo's Glossary of the Mandarin Language Vol. 1: An English and Chinese Annotation of the Vocabulario de la Lengua Mandarina Vol. 2: Pinyin and English Index of the Vocabulario de la Lengua Mandarina

Francisco Varo's Glossary of the Mandarin Language: Vol. 1: An English and Chinese Annotation of the Vocabulario de la Lengua Mandarina Vol. 2: Pinyin and English Index of the Vocabulario de la Lengua Mandarina

1st Edition

By W South Coblin
June 30, 2006

Western missionaries contributed largely to Chinese lexicography. Their involvement was basically a practical rather than a theoretical one. In order to preach and convert, it was necessary to speak Chinese. A missionary on post needed to learn at least two languages, the national Guanhua, the "...

The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ Volume 4b Supplementary Anthology General Index Addenda

The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ: Volume 4b Supplementary Anthology General Index Addenda

1st Edition

Edited By Roman Malek
July 30, 2019

This volume completes the previous volumes 1, 2, 3a, 3b, and 4a of an interdisciplinary book project on the reception of Jesus Christ in China, as seen from the perspectives of Sinology, mission history, theology, and art history, among others. It consists of the following parts: A "Supplementary ...


The "Zhenzheng lun" by Xuanyi: A Buddhist Apologetic Scripture of Tang China

1st Edition

By Thomas Jülch
December 18, 2018

The Zhenzheng lun 甄正論 (T 2112, Treatise of Revealing the Correct) is a Chinese Buddhist apologetic treatise with a distinct anti-Daoist stance in three juan. It is organized as a dialogue between a Daoist, the "Venerable Obstructed by Customs" (zhisu gongzi 滯俗公子), and the Buddhist "Master Revealing...

Giulio Aleni, Kouduo richao, and Christian–Confucian Dialogism in Late Ming Fujian

Giulio Aleni, Kouduo richao, and Christian–Confucian Dialogism in Late Ming Fujian

1st Edition

By Song Gang
September 04, 2018

Christian dialogic writings flourished in the Catholic missions in late Ming China. This study focuses on the mission work of the Italian Jesuit Giulio Aleni (Ai Rulüe 艾儒略, 1582–1649) in Fujian and the unique text Kouduo richao 口鐸日抄 (Diary of Oral Admonitions, 1630–1640) that records the religious ...

Rooted in Hope: China – Religion – Christianity Vol 1 Festschrift in Honor of Roman Malek S.V.D. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday

Rooted in Hope: China – Religion – Christianity Vol 1: Festschrift in Honor of Roman Malek S.V.D. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday

1st Edition

Edited By Barbara Hoster, Dirk Kuhlmann, Zbigniew Wesołowski
March 21, 2017

This Festschrift is dedicated to the former Director and Editor-in-chief of the Monumenta Serica Institute in Sankt Augustin (Germany), Roman Malek, S.V.D. in recognition of his scholarly commitment to China. The two-volume work contains 40 articles by his academic colleagues, companions in faith, ...

Rooted in Hope: China – Religion – Christianity  / In der Hoffnung verwurzelt: China – Religion – Christentum Festschrift in Honor of / Festschrift für  Roman Malek S.V.D.   on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday / zu seinem 65. Geburtstag (2-Volume Set)

Rooted in Hope: China – Religion – Christianity / In der Hoffnung verwurzelt: China – Religion – Christentum: Festschrift in Honor of / Festschrift für Roman Malek S.V.D. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday / zu seinem 65. Geburtstag (2-Volume Set)

1st Edition

Edited By Barbara Hoster, Dirk Kuhlmann, Zbigniew Wesołowski
March 29, 2017

This Festschrift is dedicated to the former Director and Editor-in-chief of the Monumenta Serica Institute in Sankt Augustin (Germany), Roman Malek, S.V.D. in recognition of his scholarly commitment to China. The two-volume work contains 40 articles by his academic colleagues, companions in faith, ...

Rooted in Hope: China – Religion – Christianity Vol 2 Festschrift in Honor of Roman Malek S.V.D. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday

Rooted in Hope: China – Religion – Christianity Vol 2: Festschrift in Honor of Roman Malek S.V.D. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday

1st Edition

Edited By Barbara Hoster, Dirk Kuhlmann, Zbigniew Wesołowski
March 20, 2017

This Festschrift is dedicated to the former Director and Editor-in-chief of the Monumenta Serica Institute in Sankt Augustin (Germany), Roman Malek, S.V.D. in recognition of his scholarly commitment to China. The two-volume work contains 40 articles by his academic colleagues, companions in faith, ...

Konfuzianisches Ethos und westliche Wissenschaft Wang Guowei (1877-1927) und das Ringen um das moderne China

Konfuzianisches Ethos und westliche Wissenschaft: Wang Guowei (1877-1927) und das Ringen um das moderne China

1st Edition

By Hu Qiuhua
September 21, 2016

This study in German offers profound insights into the life and thoughts of Wang Guowei (1877-1927). Like many intellectuals who strongly perceived the necessity of reforms in the waning years of the Late Qing dynasty, i.e. after the Opium wars, Wang sought to strengthen China's position against ...

A Sinologists Handlist of Sino-Tibetan Lexical Comparisons

A Sinologists Handlist of Sino-Tibetan Lexical Comparisons

1st Edition

By Weldon South Coblin
August 11, 2016

The objective of the work of W. South Coblin has been to collect various materials on Chinese and Tibeto-Burman languages into a single list and to arrange this list in a clear and convenient form, with indexes which make the information easily accessible.The author presents the view that Chinese ...

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