1st Edition

Myths of the Origin of Fire

By Sir James G. Frazer Copyright 2001

    Sir James G. Frazer (1854-1941) is famous as the author of The Golden Bough, but his work ranged widely across classics, cultural history, folklore and literary criticism as well as anthropology. A Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, for 62 years, Sir James G. Frazer devoted his life to research. This volume was first published in 1930.

    Prefa ce .

    I. In t r o d u c t o r y
    II. Th e Orig in of Fir e in Ta s ma n ia
    III. Th e Ori g in of Fire in Austr alia
    IV. Th e Orig in of Fire in t h e To r r e s Straits Is l a n d s a n d New Gu in e a .....
    V. Th e Orig in of Fir e in Melan es ia
    VI. Th e Ori gin of Fire in Po ly n es ia an d Mic ro ne si a .
    VII. Th e Orig in of Fir e in In d o n e s ia
    VIII. Th e Orig in of Fir e in Asia ....
    IX. Th e Orig in of Fir e in Mad a g a s c a r .
    X. Th e Ori g in of Fire in Afr ic a ....
    XI. Th e Orig in of Fir e in South Ame r ic a
    XII. Th e Orig in of Fir e in Centr al Amer ic a a n d Mex ic o
    XIII. Th e Ori g in of Fir e in Nor th Amer ica
    XIV. Th e Orig in of Fir e in Eur op e ....
    XV. Th e Orig in of Fir e in Ancie nt Greec e
    XVI. Th e Orig in of Fir e in Ancie nt India .
    XVII. Su mma r y a n d Con c lu s io n .....
    Index ......



    Sir James G. Frazer (1854-1941) is famous as the author of The Golden Bough, but his work ranged widely across classics, cultural history, folklore and literary criticism as well as anthropology. A Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, for 62 years, Sir James G. Frazer devoted his life to research. This volume was first published in 1930.