1st Edition

Old English Verse

By T.A. Shippey Copyright 1972

    Old English Verse (1972) covers the whole range of Old English poetry: the heroic poems, notably Beowulf and Malden; the ‘elegies’, such as The Wanderer and The Seafarer; the Bible stories and the lives of the saints which mark the end of pagan influence and the beginning of Christian inspiration; the Junius Manuscript; and finally King Alfred. All the many quotations are translated.

    1. An Apology for Verse: Introduction  2. The Argument of Courage: Beowulf and Other Heroic Poetry  3. Wisdom and Experience: the Old English ‘Elegies’  4. Language and Style  5. The Fight for Truth: Non-Cynewulfian Saints’ Lives  6. Poetry and the Bible: the Junius Manuscript  7. Poetry and the Individual: Cynewulf  8. The Decline: King Alfred and After


    T.A. Shippey