1st Edition

Overcoming Sex Addiction A Self-Help guide

By Thaddeus Birchard Copyright 2017
    190 Pages 1 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Overcoming Sex Addiction is an accessible self-help guide which uses the principles of cognitive behaviour therapy to help those with problematic or unwanted patterns of sexual behaviour. It is designed for those who are not yet ready to seek professional help or who live in a place where little help is available and can be used in conjunction with general psychotherapy. Written by a leading expert in the field, the book offers an insight into the origins of sex addiction, before going on to explain the cycle of addiction and how to break it.

    The book has a do-it yourself week-by-week programme of action to tackle compulsive sexual behaviour, and provides extensive advice on relapse prevention to help the reader move forward in recovery.

    Overcoming Sex Addiction will provide clear, informed guidance for sex addicts and those professionals working with them.

    SECTION 1 preliminary readings.  1. Introduction 2. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy  3. Sexual Addiction 4 Supernormal Stimuli  5. Shame  6. Neuroscience  7. Attachment  SECTION 2 10 week recovery programme 1. Core Belief and Formulation  2. Values Clarification  3. Harmful Consequences  4. Provisional Sex Plan  5. Family of Origin  6. Cycle of Addiciton  7. Exiting the Cycle  8. Cognitive Distortions  9. Personal History  10. Relapse Prevention  SECTION 3 ancillary readings.  1. Internet Pornography  2. Quriky Sexual Practices  3.Cross Addiction and Comorbid Disorders  4. Group Work  5. Conclusion  RESOURCES  BIBLIOGRAPHY


    Thaddeus Birchard is the founder of the Marylebone Centre. He has an MSc in psychosexual therapy and a doctorate in the treatment of hypersexual disorders. He is accredited by the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies and is the founder of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity.