1st Edition

Personality, Appearance and Speech

By T. H. Pear Copyright 1957

    First published in 1957, Personality. Appearance and Speech is an intensive analysis of personality reflected by appearance and speech. It is a most fascinating study of the innumerable outward signs by which the man in the street judges personality. The author considers the effects this has on daily life; for example, can a person’s real character be assessed by a short interview in which personality, counting for so much, can be altered deliberately to no little extent? He describes many investigations which have attempted to discover experimentally the nature and accuracy of personality and character assessments, and includes personality sketches of F. D. Roosevelt, W. E. Gladstone, and of other prominent figures. He discusses the social results of the microphone and the effect on good and bad taste, of opinions widely expressed by listeners and viewers. The nature and function of the intellectuals who have increasing opportunities of affecting appearance and speech, are examined from the psychologist’s standpoint. This book will be of interest to students of psychology, sociology and social behaviour.

    Preface 1. The Meaning of Personality 2. Appearance and Speech 3. Social Factors in Perceiving Personality 4. Appearance 5. Class Indicators in ‘Aspects’ of Personality 6. Privacy and Publicity 7. Stage, Radio, TV and Film Personalities 8. Types and Stereotypes of Appearance and Speech 9. Assessments of Personality and Character 10. Objective Tests of Personality Envoi Bibliography Subject Index Index of Names


    T. H. Pear