1st Edition

Political Repression in 19th Century Europe

By Alexander Fuks Copyright 1983
    432 Pages
    by Routledge

    436 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1983. The nineteenth century was a time of great economic, social and political change. As Europe modernized, previously ignorant and apathetic elements in the population began to demand political freedoms. There was pressure also for a freer press, for the rights of assembly and association. The apprehension of the existing elites manifested itself in an intensification of often brutal form of political repression. The first part of this book summarizes on a pan-European basis, the major techniques of repression such as the denial of popular franchise and press censorship. This is followed by a chronological survey of these techniques from 1815 – 1914 in each European country. The book analyzes the long and short-term importance of these events for European historical development in the 19th and 20th centuries.

    Part 1: Techniques of Political Repression in 19th Century Europe  1. Suffrage Discrimination in 19th Century Europe  2. Restriction on Freedom of Expression and Organization  3. The Victims of Repression: Political Prisoners and Exiles  Part 2: A History of Political Repression in 19th Century Europe  4. The Age of Repression and Revolution, 1815-1850  5. The Age of Repression and Reconstruction, 1850-1870  6. The Age of Repression and Reform, 1870-1914  Part 3: Summary and Conclusions  7. Political Repression in 19th Century Europe


    Robert Justin Goldstein is emeritus professor of political science at Oakland University in Michigan and currently research associate at the Center for Russia, E. European & Eurasian Studies at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Professor Goldstein has authored or edited about 15 books, all focused on civil liberties in modern European and American history, including Political Censorship of the Arts & the Press in 19th-Century Europe (1989), Censorship of Political Caricature in 19th-Century France (1989), (ed.) The War for the Public Mind: Political Censorship in 19th-Century Europe (2000), (ed.) The Frightful Stage:  Political Censorship of the Theater in 19th-Century Europe (2008) and (co-ed.), Political Censorship of the Visual Arts in19th-Century Europe: Arresting Images (2015).

    '...an extraordinarily comprehensive and meticulous piece of research.... it ought to be required reading for anyone interested in human rights in the late twentieth century.' Rhoda E. Howard, Human Rights Quarterly

    '...a formidable compendium of facts and figures.... synthesizing a range of modern scholarship and utilizing an impressive array of quotations and statistics... the book is a storehouse of compartive data.' J. S. Cockburn, Journal of Modern History, Vol 59, No. 3

    'The virtue of Goldstein's analysis is that leaves the readers free to use the data to draw their own conclusions.' John A. Armstrong, American Historical Review

    '...so clearly planned and lucidly written.' Irene Collins, English Historical Review