1st Edition

Price Analysis of China's Carbon Emissions

By Wenju Wang Copyright 2023
    408 Pages 48 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This book explores the determination of China’s carbon emission targets, especially with regard to the allocation of responsibility of China’s import and export carbon emissions, and carbon emission quota allocations across different time periods, industries, and regions.

    Research outside of China tends to focus on methods and approaches of carbon emission reduction policies and the impact of their implementation. Instead, within China, the focus has been on discussion of the necessity and conditions for China's development of a low-carbon economy as well as its introduction as a concept in the light of overseas comparisons. This book utilizes game theory, mechanism design, input-output theory, econometric theory and other methods to scrutinize China's carbon emissions and carbon emissions targets across different periods, industries, and regions. The result is a detailed theoretical and empirical investigation of carbon emission issues in the Chinese context.

    The book will be essential reading for students and scholars of economics, especially those with a focus on Chinese economic development and policymakers in the low-carbon economy sphere.

    Part 1 Determination of total carbon emissions in China  1. Carbon emission rights and carbon emission reduction targets  2. Total carbon emissions accounting in China  3. Accounting and responsibility allocation of embodied carbon in international trade  4. Fairness in the selection of international carbon emission accounting standards Part 2 Inter-industry allocation of carbon emission indicators  5. Industrial differences in carbon emissions  6. Industrial restructuring and its potential to save energy and reduce emissions  7. Energy structuring and its potential in energy saving and emission reduction  8. Inter-industry allocation of carbon emission indices Part 3 Inter-regional allocation of total carbon emissions and game analysis of carbon emission reductions for local government  9. Regional classification of carbon emissions and carbon emission indices  10. Equity and efficiency test for regional allocation of carbon emission index 11. Dilemma and game analysis of carbon emission reduction for local governments Part 4 Carbon emissions trading game and mechanism analysis  12. Game analysis on the initial allocation of carbon emission rights  13. Game analysis on carbon emissions trading price  14. Analysis of the formation mechanism of carbon emission trading  15. Analysis of auction mechanism for carbon emissions trading


    Wenju Wang is a Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at Capital University of Economics and Business. He currently serves as Vice President of Chinese Association of Quantitative Economics, and Deputy Chairman of the Economic and Trade Teaching Steering Committee of Ministry of Education, China. His focus is in research and teaching of Game Theory and Quantitative Economics. The Chinese version of his book Price Analysis of China’s Carbon Emissions won first prize of the 15th Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award.