1st Edition

Routledge Library Editions: Exchange Rate Economics

    by Routledge

    Reissuing works originally published between 1923 and 1997, this collection of books on exchange rate economics is a unique resource in international finance and economic history. Books in the set look at foreign exchange policy, currency and markets in a range of eras and contexts.

    1. The Exchange Rate Environment Simon Brooks, Keith Cuthbertson, David G. Mayes  2. The Forward Market in Foreign Exchange: A Study in Market-making, Arbitrage and Speculation Brendan Brown  3. Impact of Price Uncertainty: Study of Brazilian Exchange Rate Policy D. V. Coes  4. The Interest Standard of Currency: An Attempt Ernst Dick  5. The Effects of Real Exchange Rate Volatility on Sectoral Investment: Empirical Evidence from Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate Systems Bahar Erdal  6. Seasonal Movements of Exchange Rates and Interest Rates Under the Pre-World War I Gold Standard Ellen L. Foster  7. Expectations and the Foreign Exchange Market Craig S. Hakkio  8. Essays on Rational Expectations and Flexible Exchange Rates Nasser Amin Hassan Saidi  9. Exchange Rates and Prices: The Case of United States Imports William R. Smith Jr.  10. Foreign Exchange and Foreign Debts Hubert Conrad Walter  11. Modern Foreign Exchange Hubert Conrad Walter  12. Foreign Exchange Rudi Weisweiller


    Multivolume collection by leading authors in the field.