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Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics

About the Series

This series is concerned with recent political developments in the region. It will have a range of different approaches and include both single authored monographs and edited volumes covering issues such as international relations, foreign intervention, security, political Islam, democracy, ideology and public policy.

130 Series Titles

Per Page

Turkey's Relations With Israel The First Sixty Two Years,1948–2010

Turkey's Relations With Israel: The First Sixty Two Years,1948–2010

1st Edition


By Ekavi Athanassopoulou
October 24, 2024

This book offers the first comprehensive history and analysis of Turkey’s relations with Israel since 1948, when the state of Israel was established, up until 2010 and places them within the wider framework of Turkey’s foreign policy. It highlights the remarkable lack of consistency in Turkey’s ...

Authoritarian Regimes and their Islamist Rivals A Comparative Study of Turkey, the Middle East and North Africa

Authoritarian Regimes and their Islamist Rivals: A Comparative Study of Turkey, the Middle East and North Africa

1st Edition


By Miaad A. Hassan
September 30, 2024

This book explores the political trajectories of various countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, tracing the shifts in party systems and regime transitions along a model‑like trajectory that spans from revolutionism to authoritarianism and electoral Islamism. Adopting a ...

Israel and the Gaza Strip The First Decade 1947–1957

Israel and the Gaza Strip: The First Decade 1947–1957

1st Edition


By Arnon Golan
September 30, 2024

This book concentrates on the formative period of the Gaza Strip and the bordering Israeli Gaza Frontier Area, considering them as a distinct geographic region that might best be understood as an integral unit of analysis. Based on abundant Israeli, British and American documentation, articles from...

Turkey's Nationalist Action Party Ideas and Practices

Turkey's Nationalist Action Party: Ideas and Practices

1st Edition


By Arzu Opçin Kıdal
September 30, 2024

This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the nationalist ideas and practices of Turkey’s Nationalist Action Party (MHP) from its founder, Alparslan Türkeş, to its current leader, Devlet Bahçeli. Applying both diachronic and synchronic approaches to the multidimensionality of nationalism, the ...

The Early Israeli Settler Movement The Birth Pangs of Gush Emunim

The Early Israeli Settler Movement: The Birth Pangs of Gush Emunim

1st Edition


By Jeffrey Kaplan
September 23, 2024

This book examines the religious, intellectual and historical roots of the Israeli settlement movement through the lens of various strands of Zionism. The book opens with a discussion of religious Zionism, especially through the lens of the teachings of Rabbi Avraham Isaac Kook and his son Zvi ...

Conflict and Peace in Western Sahara The Role of the UN's Peacekeeping Mission (MINURSO)

Conflict and Peace in Western Sahara: The Role of the UN's Peacekeeping Mission (MINURSO)

1st Edition


Edited By János Besenyő, R. Joseph Huddleston, Yahia H. Zoubir
August 26, 2024

This book offers the first comprehensive analysis of MINURSO (the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara), focused on its activities, composition, purpose, and operational future in Western Sahara, the world’s last colony. The book’s focus is broad, examining MINURSO from key ...

Islamic Perspectives on International Conflict Resolution Theological Debates and the Israel-Palestinian Peace Process

Islamic Perspectives on International Conflict Resolution: Theological Debates and the Israel-Palestinian Peace Process

1st Edition


By Shameer Modongal
August 26, 2024

Upturning the traditional view of religion as a source of conflict, this book studies Islamic perspectives of international conflict resolution, re-interpreting the possibility of Israel-Palestine reconciliation beyond traditional secular frameworks. Beginning with an analysis of both classical and...

British Diplomacy in Oman and Bahrain 50 Years of Change

British Diplomacy in Oman and Bahrain: 50 Years of Change

1st Edition

By Joe Worthington
May 27, 2024

This book marks the first comprehensive examination of contemporary British influence in Oman and Bahrain, analysing Britain’s legacy since the official withdrawal from the Gulf in 1971. Using theories of power as a framework, the book examines the development of British economic, strategic, and ...

Egyptian Foreign Relations Under al-Sisi External Alignments Since 2013

Egyptian Foreign Relations Under al-Sisi: External Alignments Since 2013

1st Edition

By Christian Achrainer
May 27, 2024

Considering both changes and continuities, this book examines how, why, and along which lines Egypt’s external alignments under the al-Sisi regime emerged and developed. Egypt’s foreign relations have changed substantially since the current regime took power in 2013. To assess this, the author ...

The New Silk Road Grand Strategy and the Maghreb China and North Africa

The New Silk Road Grand Strategy and the Maghreb: China and North Africa

1st Edition

By Mordechai Chaziza
May 27, 2024

Examining Chinese-North African relations through the lens of President Xi Jinping’s Silk Road grand strategy, this book offers a comprehensive analysis of emerging strategic and economic partnerships in the Maghreb region. China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ (BRI) is one of the most ambitious ...

From the 1919 Revolution to the 2011 Arab Spring A History of Three Egyptian Thawras Reconsidered

From the 1919 Revolution to the 2011 Arab Spring: A History of Three Egyptian Thawras Reconsidered

1st Edition

Edited By Uzi Rabi, Mira Tzoreff
May 08, 2024

Focused on three Egyptian revolutions—in 1919, 1952, and 2011—this edited book argues that each of these revolutions is a milestone which represents a meaningful turning point in modern Egyptian history. Revolutions are typically characterized by a fundamental change in political and social ...

Iran and the West A Non-Western Approach to Foreign Policy

Iran and the West: A Non-Western Approach to Foreign Policy

1st Edition

By Andrew Thomas
April 02, 2024

This book explores non-Western approaches to foreign policy in the context of Iran in order to encourage wider consideration of non-Western scholarship in international relations. Throughout its existence IR has drawn primarily on Western thought and experience, leaving other perspectives on the ...

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