776 Pages
    by Routledge

    776 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1961, this book was the first comprehensive work on South African geography that also presented a balanced account of all facets of the economic life. It was written to provide background information on South Africa – the nature of the country, its resources and deficiencies, its historic settlement by peoples of different races and of the progress made and the difficulties encountered in the major areas of economic activity: agriculture, mining, manufacturing and trade. In discussing these factors the book acknowledged that in South Africa the complexities of the relationships between peoples of different racial origins and widely differently economic and cultural standards are met in one country.


    Monica Cole was a Lecturer in Geography at the Universities of Cape Town and Witwatersrand, South Africa, University of Keele, UK and the Chair of Geography at Bedford College, University of London.

    ‘…it contains a considerable amount of information on a wide range of subjects.’ J. H. Moolman, South African Geography Journal