2nd Edition

Spain's Civil War

By Harry Browne Copyright 1997
    158 Pages
    by Routledge

    This study offers a succinct analysis of a critical period in Spain's history. It assesses the causes and course of the Civil War and covers Franco's New Spain. For the Second Edition there is a fuller examination of the politics of the Second Republic and the regional and social bases of Spain's political parties. There is also a more detailed account of the military conduct of the war and of the extent of international involvement.

    Part One : The Background
    1. Introduction.
    2. The Second Republic 1931-36.

    Part Two The Civil War

    3. The Military Rising.
    4. The Internationalization of the War.
    5. The Republic or the Revolution?
    6. The Use of Terror.
    7. A New Beginning - Or Old Style Military Autocracy?
    8. The Military Campaigns.
    9. International Aid.
    10. The Republic Under Negrin.

    Part Three: Assessment

    11. Retrospect.
    12. The Legacy of the Civil War.

    Part Four: Documents


    Harry Browne