1st Edition

Sport and Sustainable Development An Introduction

Edited By Stavros Triantafyllidis, Cheryl Mallen Copyright 2022
    258 Pages 13 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    258 Pages 13 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Sport has the potential to be a powerful platform for positive change. This is the first textbook to introduce the fundamentals of sport and sustainable development, examining how sport can be made more sustainable in terms of its social and environmental impact, and how sport can achieve more comprehensive social and ecological objectives. 

    Introducing key theory, and looking at how sustainability has been embedded in real-world organizations, projects, and developments, the book draws on a range of multidisciplinary perspectives including sport business and management, development studies, environmental studies, sociology, psychology, and political science. Every chapter includes international viewpoints from the voices of professionals who have been successful in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) in and through their work. As pressure grows on sport, business, and wider society to put sustainability and social and environmental responsibility at the center of their operations, the themes and topics examined in this book become ever more important. 

    This is essential reading for any course on sport and sustainable development, and important background reading for any course in sport management, sport development, event studies, environment and society, business and the environment, or social responsibility.

    Part I: The Foundation of Sport and Sustainable Development 

    1          Introduction to Sport and Sustainable Development

                Stavros Triantafyllidis and Cheryl Mallen

    2          Sustainable Development of Sport

                Stavros Triantafyllidis and Cheryl Mallen

    3          Sport for Sustainable Development

                Stavros Triantafyllidis and Cheryl Mallen

    4          Sport and Sustainable Development Goals

                Stavros Triantafyllidis and Marco Tortora 

    Part II: Sport and Sustainable Development Perspectives 

    5          The Personal Perspective of Sport and Sustainable Development

                Stavros Triantafyllidis

    6          The Social Perspective of Sport and Sustainable Development

                Lindsey Darvin and Curtis Fogel

    7          The Economic Perspective of Sport and Sustainable Development

                Marco Tortora

    8          The Ecological Perspective of Sport and Sustainable Development

                Cheryl Mallen and Greg Dingle

    9          The Technological Perspective of Sport and Sustainable Development

                Cheryl Mallen and Stavros Triantafyllidis

    10        The Political Perspective of Sport and Sustainable Development

                Efthalia (Elia) Chatzigianni 

    Part III: The Future of Sport and Sustainable Development 

    11        Our Vision for Sport and Sustainable Development

                Cheryl Mallen and Stavros Triantafyllidis

    12        Student Perspectives on Sport and Sustainable Development: Teaching and Learning Approaches

                Stavros Triantafyllidis

    13        Advancing Sport and Sustainable Development

                Stavros Triantafyllidis and Cheryl Mallen


    Stavros Triantafyllidis received his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Sport Management from the University of Florida, USA. His research focuses on sport and sustainable development with an emphasis on events, transporation, and consumer behavior. He served as an Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator in Sport Management at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina. 

    Cheryl Mallen is Associate Professor in Sport Management at Brock University, Canada. Her research focuses on sport and environmental sustainability and the impacts of new technologies on sport management.

    "The book is intended as a textbook and has all the characteristics of one, including learning objectives, review questions, learning activities and additional resources. This might make it a bit less reader-friendly for the non-student, but very useful in higher education. The pedagogical structure and the in-depth discussions about central theories and concepts will be helpful in many courses and programs."
    -Daniel Svensson, idrottsforum.org