1st Edition

Stinkbugs Biorational Control Based on Communication Processes

Edited By Andrej Cokl, Miguel Borges Copyright 2017
    276 Pages 11 Color & 11 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    This book presents an overview of the Pentatomidae species, covering their biology, phylogeny and reproductive behavior, main plants used in their diet and their nutritional exigencies, predatory stinkbugs, interactions between herbivores-plants and natural enemies, use of pheromone for monitoring phytophagous populations, and chemical and vibrational communication signals. It also presents possible technologies to be applied in field crops for pest management that could be developed as the basis of the interplay of stink bug communication signals.

    Stinkbug Classification, Phylogeny, Biology and Reproductive Behavior
    Jocelia Grazia and Cristiano F. Schwertner

    Host Plant-Stinkbug (Pentatomidae) Relationships
    Antônio R. Panizzi and Tiago Lucini

    Predatory Stink Bugs (Asopinae) and the Role of Substrate-Borne Vibrational Signals in Intra- and Interspecific Interactions
    Alenka Žunič Kosi and Andrej Čokl

    Communication as the Basis for Biorational Control
    Andrej Čokl, Maria Carolina Blassioli-Moraes, Raul Alberto Laumann and Miguel Borges

    The Semiochemistry of Pentatomidae
    Miguel Borges and Maria Carolina Blassioli-Moraes

    Substrate-Borne Vibratory Communication
    Andrej Čokl, Raul Alberto Laumann and Nataša Stritih

    Stink Bug Communication Network and Environment
    Andrej Čokl, Alenka Žunič Kosi and Meta-Virant-Doberlet

    Plant and Stink Bug Interactions at Different Trophic Levels
    Salvatore Guarino, Ezio Peri, Stefano Colazza

    Use of Pheromones for Predatory Stink Bugs Management
    Diego Martins Magalhães

    Use of Pheromones for Monitoring Phytophagous Stink Bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
    P. Glynn Tillman and Ted E. Cottrell

    Use of Vibratory Signals for Stink Bug Monitoring and Control
    Raul Alberto Laumann, Douglas Henrique Bottura Maccagnan and Andrej Čokl

    Suggestions for Neotropic Stink Bug Pest Status and Control
    Miguel Borges, Maria Carolina Blassioli-Moraes, Raul Alberto Laumann and Andrej Čokl


    Andrej Cokl, Miguel Borges