12th Edition

Television and Radio Announcing

By Stuart Hyde Copyright 2014

    The digital revolution has significantly changed broadcast technology. The 12th edition of Television and Radio Announcing reflects new trends in the field, such as the reconfiguration of electronic media production practices and distribution models. The internet and social media have opened up new access to production and new methods of distribution, such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and podcasts. The 12th edition addresses the realities of students who live in this new era.

    Learning Goals

    Upon completing this book, readers will be able to:

    • Develop essential announcing skills
    • Understand new trends in the field

    Chapter 1: Announcing for the Electronic Media                                                   

    Chapter 2: The Announcer as Communicator

    Chapter 3: Voice Analysis and Improvement

    Chapter 4: Pronunciation and Articulation

    Chapter 5: Audio Performance

    Chapter 6: Video Performance

    Chapter 7: Commercials and Public Service Announcements

    Chapter 8: Interview and Talk Programs

    Chapter 9: Radio News

    Chapter 10: Television News

    Chapter 11: Music Announcing

    Chapter 12: Sports Announcing

    Chapter 13: Starting Your Announcing Career


    Stuart Hyde