1st Edition

The Autobiography of a Revolutionary in British India

By Kali Ghosh Copyright 2018
    248 Pages
    by Routledge

    This is a fascinating autobiography set before the partition of the subcontinent. Kali Prasad Ghosh belonged to a zamindar or landed family in Bengal. He joined the Congress movement and later, in the 1920s, became more radical. He was brought up as an intellectual but, in the end, his interest shifted to making bombs intended to blow up British property. The narrative if that of a man looking back and trying to understand his own coming to political awareness in the 1920s and 30s.
    Please note: Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

    In the Village

    1. My Parents 2. My Early Life 3. Political Infancy 4. A Revolutionary in the Making 5. Lessons in Feudalism 6. Look Beyond the Village 7. Congress Comes to the Village 8. The End of Non-Co-operation

    In the City

    9. Calcutta: Personal Adjustments 10. The Wind Blows Left 11. Annual Conference 12. The Year of Grace 13. Gathering Clouds 14. Crisis 15. Absconders

    In Captivity

    16. Police Hospitality 17. A Year in Prison 18. Farewell to India

    In England

    19. Re-evaluation


    Kali Prasad Ghosh

    Gunnel Cederlof is Professor of History at the University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, Sweden.

    Janken Mrydal is Professor of Agrarian History at the University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, Sweden.