1st Edition

The Battle of Britain

By Edward Bishop Copyright 1960
    260 Pages
    by Routledge

    This book, first published in 1960, is a close examination of the twelve most decisive weeks in British history. It looks at the responsibility of pre-war politicians for the preparedness of the air defence system, the conflicting views on the conduct of the battle on both sides, the attitude of the US, and the part played by such leading figures as Dowding, Park, Beaverbrook, Kesselring and Sperle.

    1. The Lucky Respite  2. Early Days  3. Air Fleet Diplomacy  4. Dress Rehearsal  5. All There Was  6. A Legend Begins  7. ‘Office Hours’  8. Descent of the Eagle  9. The Greatest Day  10. A Great Mistake  11. The Secret Ally  12. London Takes It  13. The World Stirs


    Edward Bishop