1st Edition

The Changing Face of English Local History

Edited By R.C. Richardson Copyright 2000
    226 Pages
    by Routledge

    This title was first published in 2000. Practised since the Middle Ages, it is only over the course of the last century that English local history attained professional status. This text explores the rich historiography of the subject by presenting essays which show how it has been defined, approached and practised at different stages of its development from the 16th century to the present day. Essays on individual historians - Camden, Thoroton, Hasted and Milner - stand side by side with others documenting general trends. the editor's concluding essay offers comparisons and contrasts between the concept and practice of local history in England with the developments in the USA.

    Contents: Introduction; The changing face of English local history, R.C.Richardson; William Camden and the Britannia, Stuart Piggott; John Stow and his London, M.J.Power; Robert Thoroton, M.W.Barley and K.S.S. Train; Hasted as historian, Joan Thirsk; Writing urban history in the 18th century: Milner's Winchester, R.C.Richardson; Between antiquary and academic: local history in the 19th century, A.J.Kidd; The local historian and his theme, H.P.R.Finberg; English local history: The past and the future, W.G.Hoskins; New avenues in English local history, Alan Everitt; A new history from below: computers and the maturing of local and regional history, Pat Hudson; The future for local history: boom or recession?, Kevin Schurer; English local history and American local history: some comparisons, R.C.Richardson; Further reading; Index.


    R.C. Richardson

    '... to be welcomed.' Local Population Studies