1st Edition

The Genevese Background Studies of Shelley, Francis Danby, Maria Edgeworth, Ruskin, Meredith, and Joseph Conrad in Geneva

By Leon Gottfried Copyright 1952
    252 Pages
    by Routledge

    252 Pages
    by Routledge

    First published in 1952. This title explores the lives of authors during their time in Geneva; including chapters on the Romantic author Mary Shelley, the novelist Joseph Conrad and the critic John Ruskin, amongst many others. This interesting study also includes letters that had previously been unpublished, all of which provide an insightful introduction into the lives of the writers. The Genevese Background will be of interest to students of literature.

    Prefatory Note;  1. Shelley’s House in Geneva  2. A Letter from Shelley to Medwin  3. Francis Danby in Geneva  4. Maria Edgeworth’s Debt to Geneva  5. Ruskin’s Friend and Physician in Geneva: Dr. L. A. Gosse  6. ‘The Tragic Comedians’, by George Meredith  7. Joseph Conrad’s Literary Activity in Geneva;  List of Edgeworth Letters;  Index


    Multivolume collection by leading authors in the field