1st Edition

The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages (Routledge Library Editions: Political Science Volume 35)

By Paul Ward Copyright 1970
    528 Pages
    by Routledge

    524 Pages
    by Routledge

    This book reveals how the medieval papacy grew from modest beginnings into an impressive institution in the Middle Ages and deals with a wide field. It charts the history of the papacy and its relations to East and West from the 4th to the 12th centuries, embraces such varied subjects as law, finance, diplomacy, liturgy, and theology. The development of medieval symbolism is also discussed as are the view of eminent political scientists of the period. This re-issues reprints the revised, 3rd edition of 1970.

    1. Introduction  2. The Emancipation of the Papacy From the Empire  3. Charlemagne  4. The Frankish Ethos After Charlemagne  5. Symbolism in Coronation Ceremonies of the 9th Century  6. The Age of Pseudo-Isidore  7. Three 9th Century Popes  8. Imperial Hegemony 9. Gregory VII  10. The Court of the Pope  11. Juristic Theology  12. The Defence of the Lay Thesis  13. The Final Exposition of the Hierocratic Theme  14. Conclusion. Appedices A, B, & C


    Walter Ullmann