1st Edition

The How & Wow of Teaching Quick ideas for mastering any classroom situation effectively, efficiently, and enthusiastically

By Kathy Paterson Copyright 2019
    160 Pages
    by Pembroke Publishers

    Teachers succeed when they grow, develop, and strive to maintain excitement and wonder: the WOW of learning. This book examines a wide variety of daily tasks, from delivering engaging lessons to nurturing life skills. Throughout The How & Wow of Teaching, simple steps for instruction are explained, along with suggestions for fun-filled activities and games. Practical and hands-on, the book offers tricks, techniques, and original ideas for excellent classroom instruction in all subject areas. It demonstrates how the WOW factor will help teachers remain motivated as they enrich the classroom learning experience for students.


    Kathy Paterson taught K-12 students for more than 30 years and worked with touring groups of students involved in original drama productions. A former instructor at the University of Alberta, her honors include being selected as Teacher of the Year. An author of numerous books for teachers, she shares her unique ideas with groups of teachers and volunteers in Edmonton Public Schools. Kathy lives in Edmonton, Alberta.