1st Edition

The Life of Niccolò Machiavelli (Routledge Library Editions: Political Science Volume 26)

By Alexander Fuks Copyright 1963

    This biography of Macchiavelli is widely regarded as Ridolfi’s masterpiece and is based on much material drawn from private and public archives. It presents a fresh interpretation of Macchiavelli’s career and writings and here, for example the dating of the composition of such famous works as the Prince and the Mandragola is established for the first time. This English translation, when originally published in 1963 included numerous correction and additions which brought it up to date with the most recent studies on Macchiavelli and his works.

    1. Early Life and Education  2. Niccolò Machiavelli Secretary  3. The First Commission  4. The First Mission to France  5. The Rebellions of Subject States and the Campaigns of Caesar Borgia  6. The Mission to Caesar Borgia  7. The First Roman Legation  8. The Second Mission to France The First "Decannale" The Militia  9. The Florentine Histories The Second Legation to Julius II  10. The German Legation The War and the Retaking of Pisa  11. Mission to Mantua and Verona. The Third Mission to France.  12. The Twelfth Hour  13. "Sorrowful Macchiavelli"  14. The "Idleness" of Sant’Andrea: The Discourses and the Prince  15.  Love and Suffering  16.  Literary Diversions: The Ass, Mandragola, Belfagor  17. The "Life of Castruccio" and the "art of War". Histories for Florins.  18. The Legation to the Fanciscans  19. Niccolò Machiavelli, Historian  20. Niccolò Machiavelli, Historian and Comedian  21. Niccolò Machiavelli, "Historian, Comic and Tragic Author"  22. "Sixty Years"  23. The End.  24. The Unarmed Prophet


    Roberto Ridolfi