440 Pages
    by Psychology Press

    446 Pages
    by Psychology Press

    This detailed look at the development of microgenetic theory provides a comprehensive and coherent model of cognitive processing in the brain, based on patterns of breakdown in pathology. In so doing, it illustrates the clinical record that supports and documents microgenetic theory, and presents a basis for future work in the study of the brain. Coverage includes topics in language and dominance, the function of the right hemisphere, action, perception, memory, and the concept of time.

    Contents: Introduction: Microgenetic Theory. Part I: Language. Language Representation in the Brain. Varieties of Aphasic Jargon. Thalamic Mechanisms in Language. Selections on Aphasia and Lateralization. Part II: Perception. Microstructure of Objects. Microstructure of Images. Essay on Perception. Part III: Action. Frontal Lobes and the Organization of Action. The Microstructure of Action. The Problem of Perseveration. Part IV: Memory and Time. Toward a Microgenetic Theory of Memory. Emergence and Time.


    Jason W. Brown

    "This text integrates a wide variety of research in the area of dichotic listening. The literature review is thorough and the bibliography is comprehensive. The chapters are exemplary and will be appreciated by the novice and seasoned researcher alike."