1st Edition

The New Entrepreneur's Guide to Setting Up and Running a Successful Business

By Paul Kendall Copyright 2018
    302 Pages 5 B/W Illustrations
    by Productivity Press

    This is the book you will need if you are considering setting up your own business. It is aimed at the new business owner who has a lot of questions to ask. It has been written by a successful business owner and provides advice on what, and what not, to do.

    While it is not intended to be a global reference book it does provide the reader with practical answers to the issues they will come across everyday, and includes examples of successes and failures from both the US and U.K. perspectives.

    So You Want to Run Your Own Business.  How Do You Start?  Buying and Selling a Business.  Staffing.  Taxes and VAT.  Accounts.  Promoting Your Business.  Now That You’ve Got a Successful Business – What’s the Next Step? How It Can Go Horribly Wrong.  Retirement and Succession.  Essentials to Take Away


    Paul Kendall qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1986, and set up a niche practice advising businesses in the medical and dental sectors. He also set up a national association of businesses advising those sectors, and has written specialist books providing taxation and accountancy advice for professional practices. He also spent time working in the insolvency department of an International firm of accountants. Paul is currently retired.