1st Edition

The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy Volume 22, Special Issue. 1: Celebrating Wilhelm Schapp, In Geschichten verstrickt 2: Theodor Conrad and the early phenomenological tradition

Edited By Burt C. Hopkins, Daniele De Santis Copyright 2025
    304 Pages
    by Routledge

    Volume XXII

    Special Issue 1: Celebrating Wilhelm Schapp, In Geschichten verstrickt, 2023

    Special Issue 2: Theodor Conrad and the early phenomenological tradition, 2023

    Aim and Scope: The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy provides an annual international forum for phenomenological research in the spirit of Husserl’s groundbreaking work and the extension of this work by such figures as Reinach, Scheler, Stein, Hering, Heidegger, Sartre, Levinas, Merleau-Ponty, Gadamer and others.

    Contributors: Theodor Conrad, Francesca D’Alessandris, Johannes Daubert, Alexis Delamare, Neal DeRoo, Daniele De Santis, Karen Joisten, Emanuele Mariani, Ronny Miron, Daniele Nuccilli, Gianfranco Pecchinenda, Margaret Stark, Hamit Taieb, Andrij Wachtel

    Submissions: Manuscripts, prepared for blind review, should be submitted to the Editors ([email protected] and [email protected]) electronically via e-mail attachments.

    List of Contributors

    Part 1

    Special Issue: Celebrating Wilhelm Schapp, In Geschichten verstrickt (ed. Daniele Nuccilli)

    1. 70 Years of In Geschichten verstrickt: context, legacy, and development. Editor’s introduction Daniele Nuccilli

    2. The narrative essence of mind. Neuroscience and the phenomenology of stories in Wilhelm Schapp Gianfranco Pecchinenda

    3. The necessity of stories and storytelling in our mathematized world Karen Joisten

    4. Stories as a critical means of access to the life-world. Language, Reality, History Daniele Nuccilli

    5. The limits of narrative: A Comparison between Wilhelm Schapp and Paul Ricœur Francesca D’Alessandris

    Part 2

    Special Issue: Theodor Conrad and the early phenomenological tradition (ed. Daniele De Santis)

    6. Theodor Conrad and the early phenomenological tradition: Two unpublished documents. Introduction and discussion Daniele De Santis

    7. Überblick über die im Wintersemester 1953/54 und Sommersemester 1954 in der „Münchener Philosophischen Gesellschaft“ durchgeführten phänomenologischen Untersuchungen über das Wesen der phänomenologischen Methode als spezifischem Zugang zur Philosophie Theodor Conrad

    8. Survey of the phenomenological investigations carried out in Winter Semester 1953/54 and Summer Semester 1954 in the “Munich Philosophical Society” on the essence of the phenomenological method as the specific access to philosophy Theodor Conrad

    9. Brief an Theodor Conrad (22.III.1907) Johannes Daubert

    10. Letter to Theodor Conrad (March 22, 1907) Johannes Daubert

    Part 3: Varia

    11. Gerda Walther on the Reality of Communities Hamid Taieb

    12. The Development of Emotional Responsivism in the Munich-Göttingen Circle Alexis Delamare

    13. A Brentanian look at the history of philosophy. The theory of the four phases theoretically reconsidered Emanuele Mariani

    14. The Phenomenological concept of definiteness: Husserl vs. His interpreters, and Tertium non Datur Andrij Wachtel

    15. Ethical renewal and transcendence: “Guilt” and “foundering” beyond self-understanding Ronny Miron

    Part 4: In Review (eds. Emanuela Carta, Guilherme Riscali, Margaret Stark)

    16. N. Milkov, Early Analytic Philosophy and the German Classical Tradition (London, New York, Oxford: Bloomsbury, 2020) Daniele De Santis

    17. M. Cavallaro, G. Heffernan (Eds.), The Existential Husserl (Cham: Springer, 2022) Margaret Stark

    18. J. G. Hart, Hedwig Conrad-Martius’ Ontological Phenomenology. Edited by Rodney K.B. Parker (Cham: Springer, 2020) Neal DeRoo.



    Burt C. Hopkins is an associate member of Université de Lille, UMR-CNRS 8163 STL, France, and a visiting researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences (2019–2020).

    Daniele De Santis is assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies (ÚFaR) of Charles University, CZ