1st Edition

The Physiology of Flowering Volume III: The Development of Flowers

By Jean-Marie Kinet Copyright 1985

    The present work is organised such that the whole phenomenon of flowing is divided into two major steps: 1. the initiation of flower primordia and 2. The development of these primordia into mature flowers until anthesis. With this volume aiming to to provide a balanced account of themost important and recent contributions in all aspects of the subject.

    1. Morphology of Inflorescence and Flower Development 2. Experimental Systems 3. Control by Nutrition 4. Control by Light 5. Control by Temperature and Water Stress 6. The basic role of Correlative Influences 7. Exogenous Substances 8. Levels, Distribution, and Metabolism of Endogenous Substances 9. Photosynthesis, Assimilate Supply, and Utilization 10. Concluding Analysis of the Flowering Problem 11. Applied Aspects of Floral Initiation and Development


    Jean-Marie Kinet