1st Edition

The Roman Villa in Britain

Edited By A.L.F. Rivet Copyright 1969
    318 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Roman Villa in Britain (1969) is a comprehensive examination of Roman villas in Romano-Britain in a series of essays by six specialists. H.C. Bowen, well-known for his work on early field systems, examines the evidence for the native Celtic agriculture which was practised in pre-Roman Britain and continued to form the basis of the country’s economy after the conquest. The ground plans of the villas, and their implications, are discussed by Sir Ian Richmond, while David Smith considers the mosaic pavements, both as implications of the wealth of their owners and as evidence for the existence of distinct local schools of mosaicists; Joan Liversidge deals with internal decoration and furnishing. A.L.F. Rivet reflects on the social and economic implications of the changing fortunes of the villas, and Graham Webster discusses the future of villa studies from the standpoint of the modern excavator.

    1. The Celtic Background H.C. Bowen  2. The Plans of Roman Villas in Britain Sir Ian Richmond  3. The Mosaic Pavements D.J. Smith  4. Furniture and Interior Decoration Joan Liversidge  5. Social and Economic Aspects A.L.F. Rivet  6. The Future of Villa Studies Graham Webster


    A.L.F. Rivet