1st Edition

The Routledge History of the Second World War

Edited By Paul R. Bartrop Copyright 2022
    810 Pages
    by Routledge

    810 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Routledge History of the Second World War sums up the latest trends in the scholarship of that conflict, covering a range of major themes and issues.

    The book delivers a thematic analysis of the many ways in which study of the Second World War can take place, considering international, transnational, and global approaches, and serves as a major jumping off point for further research into the specific fields covered by each of the expert authors. It demonstrates the global and total nature of the Second World War, giving due coverage to the conflict in all major theatres and through the lens of the key combatants and neutrals, examines issues of race, gender, ideology, and society during the war, and functions as a textbook to educate students as to the trends that have taken place in how the conflict has been (and can be) interpreted in the modern world. Divided into twelve parts that cover central themes of the conflict, including theatres of war, leadership, societies, occupation, secrecy and legacies, it enables those with no memory of war to approach it with a view to comprehending what it was all about and places the history of this conflict into a context that is international, transnational, and institutional.

    This is a comprehensive and accessible reference volume for anyone interested in the most up to date scholarship on this major conflict.

    Chapter 18 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license available at http://www.taylorfrancis.com

    Part 1: Outbreaks: War to World War

    1. Avoiding War? British Diplomacy and the Outbreak of War in 1939

    Paul R. Bartrop

    2. Planning Armageddon: Operation Barbarossa

    David Stahel

    3. The Origins of the War in the Pacific: 1937-1941

    Greg Kennedy

    Part 2: Perspectives: Tradition and Change

    4. Nationalism, Identity, and Race in the Second World War

    Alex Alvarez

    5. A Transnational Perspective of Women on the Home Front

    Frances Davey and Joanna Salapska-Gelleri

    Part 3: Theatres: Fighting the War

    6. The European War: An Overview

    Shaun Mawdsley

    7. War of Great Distances: Allied Strategy in the Pacific War, 1941-1945

    Erik D. Carlson

    8. The Crucial Phase of the China Theatre: The War of Resistance against Japan, 1937-1938

    Kristin Mulready-Stone

    9. The Battle for North Africa

    Glyn Harper

    10. The War at Sea, 1939-1945

    Marcus Faulkner

    11. War in the Third Dimension: The Exercise of Air Power in the Second World War

    Richard Overy

    Part 4: Leadership: Directing the War

    12. Directing the War from Triumph to Disaster: The German and Italian Cases

    Bastian Matteo Scianna

    13. Churchill and Roosevelt as War Leaders

    Robin Prior

    14. Japanese Leadership in the Second World War

    Richard B. Frank

    15. Was Stalin Necessary? Soviet Command in the Great Patriotic War

    Stephen Brown and David Sutton

    Part 5: Societies: Within the Combat Zone

    16. Conservatism, Radicalism and Global Conflict: Britain’s War, 1939-1945

    Jonathan Fennell

    17. Germany at War

    Eleanor Hancock

    18. Japanese Society at War: History and Memory

    Philip Seaton

    19. Italian Society during World War II

    Shira Klein

    20. Poles under German and Soviet Occupations

    Paweł Machcewicz

    21. France at War: A Country Divided or a Society United?

    Shannon L. Fogg

    22. Stalin’s War or People’s War? Total War behind the Front Lines

    Stephen Brown and David Sutton

    23. China Divided and at War, 1937-1945

    Kristin Mulready-Stone

    Part 6: Societies: Beyond the Combat Zone

    24. America at War

    John W. Jeffries

    25. Canada: Limited Liability and Total War

    Graham Broad

    26. Australia and the Second World War

    Lachlan Grant and Karl James

    27. A Conscripted Society: Sustaining New Zealand’s War Effort

    David Littlewood

    28. South Asia in World War II

    Eric A. Strahorn

    29. Brazil at War: An Unexpected, but Necessary, Ally

    Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho and Francsico César Alves Ferraz

    30. Mexico: In the Shadow of World War II

    Monica Rankin

    Part 7: Occupation: Compliance and Resistance

    31. Western Europe under Occupation

    Joshua Fortin

    32. Collaboration and Resistance in the East: Explaining a Contested Past

    Vesna Drapac

    33. Armies of Collaboration and Resistance in Southeast Asia

    Kevin Blackburn

    Part 8: Surviving: Remaining Neutral

    34. Switzerland as a Neutral State during the Second World War

    Georg Kreis

    35. Sweden: An Ambiguous Participant

    John Gilmour

    36. Not Neutral: Spain and the Second World War

    David A. Messenger

    37. Apolitical Arbiter? The Vatican as a Neutral during the Second World War

    Adrian Ciani

    Part 9: Secrecy: The Clandestine War

    38. Uncovering Secrets: Spies, Double Agents, and Codebreakers

    Mary Kathryn Barbier

    39. Australasian Special Operations in the Second World War

    Rhys Ball and Shaun Mawdsley

    Part 10: Inhumanity: Savagery and Mass Murder

    40. Crimes against Humanity

    Mark Edele

    41. German Violations of the Law of War

    Michael Bryant

    42. The Second World War as a Genocidal Conflict

    Jennifer Rich and Michael Dickerman

    Part 11: Endings: Downfall and Victory

    43. East-Central Europe: From Nazi Rule to Communism, 1943-1948

    Gareth Pritchard

    44. War and Destruction in Western Europe: Picking up the Pieces

    Paul R. Bartrop

    45. Sideshow or Pandora’s Box? Ending the Pacific War in Southeast Asia, 1945

    Brian P. Farrell

    46. The Quest for Justice in the Aftermath of the War

    Deborah Mayersen

    Part 12: Legacies: Memory and History

    47. Remembering and Forgetting the War

    Jordana Silverstein

    48. The Second World War in Global History

    Gary Sheffield


    Paul R. Bartrop is Professor Emeritus of History at Florida Gulf Coast University, USA, and Honorary Principal Fellow, University of Melbourne. He is the author, editor, or co-editor of over 25 books relating to the Holocaust, genocide, and the Second World War.