1st Edition

The Routledge International Handbook of Dialectical Thinking

    526 Pages 131 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    The Routledge International Handbook of Dialectical Thinking is a landmark volume offering a multi-disciplinary compendium of the research, theory and practice that defines dialectical thinking, its importance and how it develops over the lifespan.

    For the first time, this handbook brings together theory and research on dialectical thinking as a psychological phenomenon from early childhood through the human lifespan. Grounding dialectical thinking in multiple philosophical traditions stemming from antiquity, it explores current psychological models of such thought patterns and shows how these can be applied in everyday life and across multiple disciplines, including philosophy, physics, mathematics and international relations. The handbook explains the nature of dialectical thinking, why it is important and how it can be developed in children and in adults. It concludes with a final chapter depicting a discussion among the authors, exploring the question "how could dialectical thinking be the antidote to dogma"

    Written by a group of international scholars, this comprehensive publication is an essential reference for researchers and graduate students in psychology and the social sciences, as well as scholars interested in integrating different perspectives and issues from a wide variety of disciplines.


    Dialectical Thinking, Concepts, Research Methodologies, and its Power and Potential. Michael F. Mascolo, Nick Shannon, Anastasia Belolutskaya & Olga Shiyan


    Dialectical Thinking: Historical, Philosophical and Psychological Origins

    1. Dialectical Thinking from Antiquity to the Present, Michael F. Mascolo
    2. The History of Dialectics in Russia, Nikolay Veraksa
    3. Historical Problems of Dialectic and Dialectical Thinking, Evgeni E. Krasheninnikov

    Perspectives on Dialectical Thinking

    4. Dialectical Thinking and Structural Dialectical Analysis, Nikolay Veraksa
    5. Dialectical Thinking as a Post-Formal Organization of Human Thought and Action, Michael Basseches
    6. Internal Relations as the basis of Dialectics, Thomas Bidell
    7. Chinese Dialectical Thinking: The Harmonization of Opposites, Michael F. Mascolo
    8. Dialectical Thinking is the Pinnacle of Human Intellect: Bridging East and West, David Ho


    Dialectical Thinking Within and Across Disciplines

    9. Dialectical Constructivism: The Contributions of Charles S. Peirce and George A. Kelly to Dialectical Thinking, Harry Procter
    10. Ethics and Dialectical Thinking: A Model for Analyzing and Resolving Value Conflicts, Bruno Frischherz
    11. Dialectics and Myth: Logical Structures and Cognitive Processes in Mythology, Nina Bagdasarova
    12. Nonlinear Quantum Physics and Dialectical Thinking, J. R. Croca
    13. Dialectical Thinking in Mathematics, Sergey Zadadaev
    14. Transdisciplinarity: Developing Science and Academia through Dialectical and Complexity Thinking, between across and beyond disciplines, Jana Uher

    Dialectical Problem-Solving in Everyday and Professional Life

    15. The Role of Paradox and Dialectical Thinking in Individual and Organizational Decision-Making, Nick Shannon
    16. Dialectical Consulting in Organizations, Sergey Shevelukhin
    17. Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Using Dialectics to Treat People who are Suicidal and Self-Harming, Michaela Swales
    18. Dialectics and the Metaphysical Assumption of the ‘State of Nature’ in International Relations, Shannon Brincat
    19. Toward a More Collaborative Democracy: Bridging Political Divides through Dialectical Problem-Solving, Michael F. Mascolo


    The Development of Dialectical Thinking

    20. The Development and Amplification of Dialectical Thinking in Preschoolers, Olga Shiyan & Igor Shiyan
    21. Dialectical Thinking and Creativity, Anastasia Belolutskaya
    22. Assessing Dialectical Thinking in Children, Nikolay Veraksa & Igor Shiyan
    23. Training Adults in Dialectical Thinking, Igor Shiyan, Nick Shannon, & Anastasia Belolutskaya
    24. A Neurobiological Model of Dialectical Thinking and Its Development, Angela Brandao & Michael F. Mascolo
    25. The Development of Dialectical Thinking: An Integrative Relational Systems Approach, Michael F. Mascolo & Nick Shannon


    26. Dialectical Thinking as the Antidote to Dogma: A Discussion Among Authors


    Nick Shannon is a British Chartered Occupational Psychologist who consults with a wide variety of private and public sector organizations seeking to develop the strength of their leadership by providing human resource consulting, executive assessment, coaching, mentoring and senior team facilitation.

    Michael F. Mascolo, PhD, is a Professor of Psychology at Merrimack College and the Academic Director of Compass, a year-long self-cultivation program for first-year college students. His work focuses on the elaboration of a relational-developmental understanding of what it means to be human.

    Anastasia Belolutskaya is the Head of the Laboratory of Professional Competence Assessment and Adult Development at Moscow City University (Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education) and has a PhD in psychology. She is also a lecturer at Lomonosov Moscow State University (Psychological Department).