1st Edition

The Significance of Complexity Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities

Edited By Kees van Kooten Niekerk, Hans Buhl Copyright 2004
    256 Pages
    by Routledge

    256 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 2004. Thanks to computer simulations science is beginning to understand complex natural processes such as the weather, earthquakes and the evolution of life. The Significance of Complexity deals with the importance of the sciences of complexity - for the humanities and theology. First, three scientists explain the science of complexity and illustrate it with concrete examples. Second, two scholars consider the concept of complexity and possible applications of complexity theory within the humanities, e.g. as a tool to understand the interplay between the artist, the work of art and the user in interactive art. Finally, three theologians ask what can be learned from the science of complexity for a religious understanding of humankind and the world. The Significance of Complexity is a pioneering work exploring the import of a fascinating new branch of science for human self-understanding. It caters for all those who are interested in relating science to the quest for the meaning of life.

    Contents: Introduction, Kees van Kooten Niekerk and Hans Buhl; At home in a complex world � lessons from the frontiers of natural science, Claus Emmeche; Complexity and the computing age � can computers really help us to understand complex phenomena in nature, Thiemo Krink; Complexity theory provides metaphors for a better understanding of biological processes � a holistic approach to explaining the stress response, Hinnerk Boriss and Volker Loeschcke; Complexity in interactive art � in search of a digital aesthetic, Bo Kampmann Walther; Complexity and non-completeness, Hans Siggaard Jensen; Complexity: what is at stake for religious reflection?, Niels Henrik Gregersen; Complexity in systematic theology � the case for the Christian concept of 'New Creation' in the dialogue with science, Gunter Thomas; Evolution and human uniqueness � a theological perspective on the emergence of human complexity, J. Wentzel van Huyssteen; Index.


    Kees van Kooten Niekerk, Hans Buhl