2nd Edition

The United States A Companion to American Studies

Edited By Dennis Welland Copyright 1987

    Introduction 1. The geographical basis of American life David M. Smith 2. A profile of the American City Stephen F. Mills 3. Americanism William R. Brock 4. Immigration and the American economy Charlotte Erickson 5. Race in American history Peter J. Parish 6. American wars Maldwyn A. Jones 7. America in world affairs H. C. Allen 8. The United States Gillian Peele 9. American politics, past and present H. G. Nicholas 10. The emergence of American literature Douglas Grant 11. The literature of realism Dennis Welland 12. Fiction and poetry since 1918 Geoffrey Moore 13. Drama and the arts Dennis Welland 14. American media and the denial of history Richard Maltby 15. American thought Marcus Cunliffe A checklist of essential works of reference President of the United States Index


    Edited by Dennis Welland