1st Edition

The Year Book Of World Affairs, 1980

    This year book presents an annual survey to bring together references to themes examined in the past which have particular current relevance. It provides information on international affairs having a stereotyped and repetitive character for anticipating a "new" happening, or "modern" development.

    Trends and Events -- The Risks of a No-Risk Society -- The Scope and Limits of Détente -- The Strategic Balance -- Valéry Giscard D’Estaing -- Foreign Intervention in Africa (I) -- EEC-CMEA Relations -- Equality and Discrimination in International Economic Law (IX): -- Chinese Foreign Policy -- The Carter Administration and the Arab-Israeli Dispute -- U.S. Legislators and Statesmen -- The United States in (and out of) Vietnam -- The Panama Canal and Future United States Hemispheric Policy -- Pluralist America in a Hierarchic World -- Dilemmas of Defence Against National Liberation -- The Factor of Culture in the Global International Order -- A Realistic Jurisprudence of International Law -- The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes -- International Arbitration Back in Favour? -- Present-Day Relevance of the Hague Peace System 1899–1979


    Editor George W. Keeton