1st Edition

Titanium Metallic Pollutants in the Aquatic Environment

By Rachel Ann Hauser-Davis Copyright 2025
    112 Pages 6 Color Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    This book engages readers in an integrated and holistic discussion on titanium properties, applications, bioanalytical approaches and toxicity. Key issues include environmental titanium exposure and associated health risk concerns for both humans and aquatic organisms, exploring ecotoxicological effects. The book delves into the intricate web of ecotoxicological effects, offering valuable insights for researchers and professionals alike. With a broad appeal, this book is an indispensable resource for those immersed in the realms of oceanography, geochemistry, ecotoxicology, and environmental and public health, providing a multidisciplinary perspective on the intricate interplay between titanium and the natural world.

    Preface. The Discovery of Titanium. Titanium Properties. Titanium Sources and Extraction Processes. Titanium Applications. The Case of Ti Nanoparticles. Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Applications. Titanium in Aquatic Systems. Biological Titanium Effects. Mammal Models and Humans. The Microplastics Issue. Ecological Effects: Titanium Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification Processes throughout Aquatic Food Webs. Interactive Titanium Effects with Other Contaminants. Climate Change Considerations. Conclusions. Acknowledgements. References. Index.


    Dr. Rachel Ann Hauser-Davis earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and both a Master of Science and a Doctorate in Sciences in Analytical Chemistry from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, all in Brazil. Currently serving as a researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, her main research interests comprise ecotoxicological processes, environmental chemistry dynamics, and science education initiatives.