1st Edition

Tradition and Change in Psychoanalysis

By Roy Schafer Copyright 1997

    This book traces a line of continuity in psychoanalysis back to Freud and his immediate followers, and describes the major transformations that followed, particularly in the works of Heinz Hartmann and the ego psychologists, and Hanna Segal and the contemporary Kleinians of London.

    Preface, Acknowledgments, Credits, PART I: Changing Directions, 1. In the Wake of Heinz Hartmann, 2. The Conceptualization of Clinical Facts, 3. On Gendered Discourse and Discourse on Gender, 4. Five Readings of Freud’s “Observations on Transference-Love”, 5. Conversations with Elisabeth von R., PART II: Further Clinical Explorations, 6. Humiliation and Mortification in Unconscious Fantasy, 7. Blocked Introjection/Blocked Incorporation, 8. Some Reflections on the Concept of Enactment, 9. Aloneness in the Countertransference, 10. An Analyst’s Notebook, PART III: Authority, Morality, Conformity, 11. Authority, Evidence, and Knowledge in the Psychoanalytic Relationship, 12. The Practice of Revisiting Classics: An Essay on Heinz Hartmann’s Psychoanalysis and Moral Values, 13. A Classic Revisited: Kurt Eissler’s “The Effect of the Structure of the Ego on Psychoanalytic Technique”, 14. The Evolution of My Views on Nonnormative Sexual Practices, References, Name Index, Subject Index


    Schafer, Roy