190 Pages
    by Routledge

    190 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1979 and with a case-study from Indonesia, this volume examines the question of planning the provision of transport facilities as a special case of the general planning problem. It deals with the modelling (including conceptual short-comings of it), analysis, estimation and control of transport planning and the challenges associated with planning in uncertainty. As well as devoting specific chapters to network planning, the book also provides background material on transport planning, locational theory and economics.

    1. Transport Investment and Development 2. The Practice of Transport Planning 3. The Framework of Transport Planning 4. On Uncertainty 5. Deterministic Optimisation 6. Theoretical Road Network Planning with Certainty 7. Road Planning under Uncertainty 8. A Case Study of Road Planning in an Underdeveloped Country 9. Robust Road Investment.


    Patrick O' Sullivan, Gary D. Holtzclaw and Gerald Barber

    ‘…a welcome addition.’ Alan Pearman, Journal of Operational Research Society