2nd Edition

Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, Second Edition A Guide to Evidence-Based Practice

By Joel Paris, Joel Paris Copyright 2020

    Acclaimed for its wisdom and no-nonsense style, this authoritative guide has now been revised and expanded with 50% new content reflecting a decade of advances in the field. Distinguished psychiatrist Joel Paris distills current knowledge about borderline personality disorder (BPD) and reviews what works in diagnosis and treatment. Rather than advocating a particular therapy, Paris guides therapists to flexibly interweave a range of evidence-based strategies, within a stepped-care framework. The book presents "dos and don'ts" for engaging patients with BPD, building emotion regulation and impulse control skills, working with family members, and managing suicidality and other crises. It is illustrated throughout with rich clinical vignettes.

    New to This Edition
    *Up-to-date findings on treatment effectiveness and outcomes.
    *Chapter on dimensional models of BPD, plus detailed discussion of DSM-5 diagnosis.
    *Chapter on stepped care, including new findings on the benefits of brief treatment.
    *Chapter on family psychoeducation and other ways to combat stigma.
    *New and expanded discussions of cutting-edge topics--BPD in adolescents, childhood risk factors, and neurobiology.

    I. Definitions
    1. Making the Diagnosis
    2. Dimensional Models
    3. Boundaries with Other Mental Disorders
    II. Causes
    4. BPD across the Life Cycle
    5. Risk Factors
    6. A General Model
    III. Treatment
    7. Outcome
    8. Pharmacotherapy
    9. Psychotherapy
    10. Brief Treatment and Stepped Care
    11. Guidelines for Management
    12. Stigma and Families
    13. Therapeutic Interventions
    14. Problems in Therapy
    15. Suicidality and Hospitalization
    16. Research Directions


    Joel Paris, MD, is Research Associate at the Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, Canada, and Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at McGill University. He became Full Professor at McGill in 1994 and served as Chair of the Department of Psychiatry from 1997 to 2007. Dr. Paris is past president of the Association for Research on Personality Disorders, co-founder of the North American Society for the Study of Personality Disorders, and past Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. His research focuses on the causes, treatment, and long-term outcome of borderline personality disorder. Dr. Paris is the author of more than 280 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and books.

    "This book provides a comprehensive, evidence-based account of the history and contemporary understanding of BPD, enlivened by clinical examples throughout. Informed by a lifetime of clinical experience, Paris does not hesitate to give his considered opinions, particularly where the evidence base is lacking. The controversies around the new classifications of personality disorder are discussed and questions about frequency, intensity, and length of treatment debated. The result is a lively and informative read for both the newcomer and seasoned expert.”--Anthony W. Bateman, FRCPsych, Consultant Psychiatrist, Anna Freud Centre; Visiting Professor, University College London, United Kingdom

    "This book is a gold mine of information about diagnosis and treatment of BPD. Paris explores the causes of the disorder, with a focus on gene–environment interactions, and discusses evidence-based psychotherapy models and the use of medications for symptom management. Paris’s treatment recommendations are accompanied by clinical examples. This book is a ‘must read’ for beginning therapists and a reminder of the state of the art for those who are more experienced.”--Lorna Smith Benjamin, PhD, Department of Psychology (Emeritus), University of Utah

    "Written by a clinician-researcher who has helped to revolutionize our profession’s attitude toward, understanding of, and clinical approach to BPD, this book offers a digestible synthesis of current knowledge and emerging discoveries. It is a practical, optimistic guide that is accessible to any clinician, regardless of background. As in the first edition, Paris provides a comprehensive overview of what every clinician seeing patients with BPD needs to know. Covering important advances in the field, the second edition incorporates double the science but remains a source of boiled-down clinical wisdom. I love Paris’s commentary on his personal journey learning about and researching the disorder, which makes the book even more engaging.”--Lois W. Choi-Kain, MD, MEd, Director, Adult Borderline Center and Training Institute, and Program and Medical Director, Gunderson Residence, McLean Hospital; Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School