1st Edition

Work, Leisure and Well-Being

By John T Haworth Copyright 1997
    218 Pages
    by Routledge

    Although it is now well established that unemployment is detrimental to health and well being, most of us assume that a well structured, rewarding leisure activity would be preferable to paid work. John Haworth challenges these assumptions and shows that the very constriction of work, like having to perform a task we wouldn't otherwise choose, are often the most rewarding in the end.
    Work, Leisure and Well Being reviews the current literature and complements it with the findings of the most recent research to provide a serious and fascinating study of the most important areas of adult life. It raises as many questions as it answers; for instance, if paid work is better than a leisure activity, what's the use of looking forward to retirement?
    Work, Leisure and Well Being will be of interest not only to psychologists, but also to a wide range of professionals involved in social policy and the leisure industry.

    List of illustrations, Notes on contributors, Preface, 1. Introduction, 2. Categories of psychological experience and well-being, 3. Research into categories of psychological experience and well-being, 4. Principal environmental influences and mental health, 5. Research into principal environmental influences and mental health, 6. Enjoyment and well-being, 7. Embodiment and quality of life, 8. Serious leisure and well-being, 9. A psychological analysis of leisure and health, 10. Work and leisure in young people’s lives, 11. Activity and ageing: challenge in retirement, 12. Work and leisure futures: trends and scenarios, Appendices, Index


    John T Haworth