Paul  Derry Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Paul Derry


I was first used as a source for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) when I was under the age of eighteen. I was coded officially in 1988 and worked as a source until the year 2000 when I reluctantly entered the Witness Protection Program. Despite a reported contract on my life by the Hells Angels, I decided I would share my experiences in book form and in person with select groups. It is my hope that by doing so I may make a difference in a clandestine world that only a few ever see.


Paul Derry was first used as a source for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) when he was under the age of eighteen. He was coded officially in 1988 and worked as a source until a botched operation resulting in the death of Sean Simmons in 2000. He was arrested and agreed to provide information on the other participants in the murder in exchange for immunity from prosecution. Since leaving the world of crime, he has received a federal pardon from the Canadian government for his work regarding criminal justice and victims of crime. Paul Derry can be contacted at [email protected].

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Source Handling
    Undercover Work
    Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs
    Drug Trafficking
    Human Trafficking



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Inside a Police Informant's Mind - 1st Edition book cover