Isa  Jahnke Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Isa Jahnke

Associate Professor
University of Missouri

In the digital age, offline and online worlds are merging toward CrossActionSpaces. Interaction is emerging into crossaction. Under these new conditions, I study technology enhanced designs for learning expeditions; learning through reflective making. My research studies, located in Germany, Sweden and in the USA, embrace information science and learning technologies such as wearable technologies, smart glasses and socio-technical design in education and Learning at the Workplace.


Born and raised in Germany, I studied social sciences with a focus on technology and got my master degree in 1997 (Wuppertal University, Germany). My parents didn't get the chance to study, rather I grew up in a traditional working-class family. There was no academic background in my family.

After studying five years at the University of Wuppertal, I wanted to see the world outside the academic part, and decided to work as consultant in different companies such as Prognos (Cologne), MediaCom (Dusseldorf) and Krups Consultants (Dusseldorf) - from 1998 to 2001. It was a great experience. Then, in 2001, I got the opportunity to go back to the university and to reflect my work experience from a research view.

Between 2001 and 2005, I was doctoral student and university teacher in "Informatics and Society" (TU Dortmund university, Germany). The PhD title (Dr. phil.) has been awarded to me in 2005 - I conducted an interdisciplinary study of the dynamics of social roles in higher education where I studied a sociotechnical learning community. During my post-doc years at Ruhr-University Bochum, I also visited the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, in 2007, and in 2008, I got my first professorship (Juniorprofessor Hochschuldidaktik, HDZ, TU Dortmund).

From April 2011 to August 2015, I was Professor in Sweden at the Department of Applied Educational Science. I was the scientific leader of the research group "ICTML:Digital Didactics". The research group in Sweden is called ICT, Media and Learning: Digital Didactics  (developed from the Scandinavian and German Didaktik): (group website).

In 2012, I visited the University of Florida, USA and in 2014, I was general co-chair of the International conference ACM GROUP 2014 took place on 9-12 November 2014 in Florida/USA together with Sean P. Goggins (Univ. of Missouri). The conference topics cover technology-enhanced learning, TEL, CSCW, Information system, sociotechnical design and more.

In August 2015, I started as Associate Professor and Director of Research for the Information Experience Lab at the School of Information Science and Learning Technologies (SISLT, iSchool) at the University of Missouri (Official Website ). When offline and online worlds are merging together, we are living in CrossActionSpaces (my new book, Routledge/2016) and under such new conditions, I study technology-enhanced designs for learning.

I am researcher, specialized in Design-Based Research, PhD supervisor, teacher  (ICT in education) and conduct workshops for university teachers and educational developers on technology integration in didactical/instructional designs; teachers are process designers!

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    Dr. phil., 2005, TU Dortmund/Germany

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    -- Innovative use of emergent technology in learning (e.g., mobile devices, smart glasses, wearables);
    -- Technology-enhanced Designs for Learning Expeditions;
    -- Ipad-didactics and media tablet supported collaborative learning;
    -- Teaching and Learning in CrossActionSpaces;
    -- Learning through Reflective Making
    -- Remote-Controlled Labs in Engineering Education;
    -- Creativity in Higher Education;
    -- Socio-technical learning communities



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Digital Didactical Designs - 1st Edition book cover