william  steele Author of Evaluating Organization Development

william steele

Trauma Consultant Trainer Author

Dr. Steele is a practitioner. If you visit his web site www.dr.billsteele.com he states, “We all have had the experience of attending trainings and leaving with lots of theory and research but little in the way of practical strategies immediately useable in our settings. We do need some of the why but a lot more of the how. And so I have always worked hard to design trainings and presentations that allow participants to leave with timely, usable practices for their environment.”

Subjects: Education


Dr. William Steele began his work in the field of trauma by taking the lead in helping schools across the country develop crisis teams in response to the epidemic of suicide among young people in the early1980’s. These and other experiences led him to founding the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children (TLC) in 1990. As its Director for 23 years, he created a legacy of trauma specific, registered evidence-based intervention programs and resources for schools and agencies now being used in 55 countries by many of the additional 6,000 professionals he trained while at TLC. His work has been featured in such books as the Handbook of Play Therapy, Children in the Urban Environment, Understanding Mass Violence, Creative Interventions with Traumatized Children, Critical Incidents in Counseling Children, Clinical Handbook of Art Therapy and in varied journals.

Dr. William Steele began his work in the field of trauma by taking the lead in helping schools across the country develop crisis teams in response to the epidemic of suicide among young people in the early1980’s. These and other experiences led him to founding the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children (TLC) in 1990. As its Director for 23 years, he created a legacy of trauma specific, registered evidence-based intervention programs and resources for schools and agencies now being used in 55 countries by many of the additional 6,000 professionals he trained while at TLC. His work has been featured in such books as the Handbook of Play Therapy, Children in the Urban Environment, Understanding Mass Violence, Creative Interventions with Traumatized Children, Critical Incidents in Counseling Children, Clinical Handbook of Art Therapy and in varied journals.

His latest publications by Routledge include, Reducing Compassion Fatigue, Secondary traumatic Stress and Burnout: A trauma-Sensitive Workbook (2019), Optimizing Learning Outcomes: Proven Brain-Centric, Trauma-Sensitive Practices (2017), Trauma In Schools and Communities: Recovery Lessons From Survivors and Responders (2015), Trauma Informed Practices with Children and Adolescents (2012), and the 2013, Wiley Publication Working with Traumatized Children and Adolescents.

Dr. Steele has assisted thousands of survivors and professionals over the years following such tragedies as the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma, 9/11 in New York and Washington D.C., Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and the 2009 killings (while in school in the presence of students) of a high school coach in Iowa and a teacher in Texas among many other tragedies across the country. He was one of the first Americans selected by the Kuwait government to assist them in the aftermath of the Gulf War and continues to assist schools, agencies, community-based programs and professionals responding to the far too many daily traumas children experience that rarely receive media attention.


    Doctorate of Psychology, 2001, California Coast University;
    Master of Social Work, 1986, Wayne State University
    Master of Arts, Guidance/Counseling, 1968, Univ.of Detroit

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    • Trained over 60,000 professionals in agencies and schools in the area of crisis intervention, suicide assessment, prevention and intervention, violence prevention, grief and trauma.
    • Consulted with over 500 school districts related to suicide, violent death of students and staff, accidental death and other trauma inducing incidents impacting students and staff.
    • Assisted survivors and professionals following such tragic and traumatic incidents as the Gulf War, the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma, 9/11 in New York and Washington D.C., Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the 2009 killings (while in school in the presence of students) of a high school coach in Iowa and a teacher in Texas, far too many suicides of school aged children and teens and the daily trauma children experience that never receives national media attention.
    • Published twenty instructional manuals and resource books for school and agency practitioners working with grieving and traumatized children and adolescents. They are in use today by TLC Certified Trauma Specialists in 55 countries.

    • Created, organized and managed the marketing, publications, consultation and training and growth of TLC for 22 years.
    • Executive Director of Children’s Home of Detroit (2007-2009, 2.5 years);
    • Director of Community Services, New Center CMH (1986-1995, 10 years);
    • Clinical Director of Emergency Telephone Services/Suicide Prevention Center of Wayne County, Michigan (1982-1986, 4 years), and
    • Director of Northeast Guidance Center Outpatient Unit and 24 hour Walk In Crisis Center1974-1982, (9 years).

Personal Interests

    Family, grandkids, golf, travel, challenges of aging, neuroscience, learning and behavior



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Reducing Compassion Fatigue, Secondary Traumatic Stress, and Burnout - 1st Edition book cover
